

Source: CCTV9  恒星英语编译  2012-02-27  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

On May 12th, 2008, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake shook southwest China's Sichuan province, causing tremendous loss of life and substantial economic losses to local businesses. Nearly four years later, resettlement and reconstruction has been completed in the quake zone and the government is initiating a new rejuvenation program for the area. My colleague Nie Jia met with a local business owner in Beichuan county for a look at how businesses there are coping with the challenges.
2008年5月12日,一场7.9级的地震震动着中国西南部的四川省,给当地带来巨大的生命、经济损失。近四年过去了,震区的重新安置和重建已经完成了,政府正开展一项振兴该地区的新计划。我的同事Nie Jia和北川县的一位本地商业业主会面,看看那里的工商企业是如何应对挑战的。

2008 should have been a good year for Wang Yongsheng, the owner of a Chinese herb company in Beichuan. Market prices for his herbal products were skyrocketing, and he was planning to expand his production. On the afternoon of May 12th, he was at the local government office, waiting to receive a local entrepreneurship award. But suddenly, the massive earthquake struck. He was badly injured, and in less than 10 seconds, his entire business was gone.

Wang Yongsheng said, "It was a devastating blow. All my 11 employees were killed, including my sister. And my warehouses, offices, and facilities all collapsed and were buried in the debris."

Life was hard after the quake. He lost his employees, his livelihood and was in no position to start again. In desperation, he even thought of taking his life. An insurance company paid him 600,000 yuan, and he borrowed another 400,000 yuan to compensate the relatives of his deceased employees.

Wang Yongsheng said, "After the quake, relatives of my employees and my own family needed to be taken care of. I have to ensure they have enough food, shelter and money for medical bills. To me, economic losses can be recovered, but the friendship of my employees can never be regained."

In December 2008, Wang Yongsheng obtained an 80,000 yuan interest free loan from Youth Business China, an entrepreneurship program, and finally started a new company. With the seed money and rich experience, Wang restarted his old business and developed products that are derived from traditional Chinese herbs such as honeysuckle, fungi, and mushrooms. Not only that, Wang took time to study in Tsinghua University to sharpen his business management skills. Now, the company has 17 employees and works in collaboration with some 500 rural households. He says the company is now planning to export its products and hopes the government can do more to help businesses in the quake zone.

Wang Yongsheng said, "Now we have our own technology patent, and our products are getting increasingly popular both in China and abroad, but what is severely needed now is funding, because we need a large sum to upgrade our facilities and pass certification."

Wang's life mirrors hundreds of businesses in the quake zone. Behind their entrepreneurship is a spirit, a spirit that never gives up.

CCTV's Nie Jia said, "Nearly four years have passed since the earthquake. For the local people, the painful memories are hard to forget. But with optimism and perseverance, they've decided to move on and start afresh because this is the only way to turn their life around."
央视记者Nie Jia表示:“地震已经过去近四年了。对当地人而言,痛苦的记忆很难忘记。但是有了乐观和坚持不懈,他们决心继续向前、重新开始,因为这是改善他们的生活的唯一方法。”

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