

Source: CCTV9  恒星英语编译  2012-02-19  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

China has millions of unmarried women over the age of 27 and unmarried men over the age of 30. These eligible bachelors and bachlorettes are collectively known as the "Leftover Generation." And according to the Chinese Women's Federation, this ever increasing group has adopted various innovative means to find a life partner.

Those who have not found their one true love are using a variety of methods to track them down. The demand placed on young people to find love and to marry has caused matchmaking businesses to boom. Lu Shan runs a dating and marriage service studio for lonely hearts in Beijing. The agency has around 120,000 registered clients.
那些还没有找到真爱的人正使用各种各样的方法来寻找。年轻人寻找爱情以及结婚的需要导致了婚恋机构的繁荣。Lu Shan在北京经营一间婚恋服务机构为征婚者服务。该机构约有12万的注册用户。

Lu Shan, matchmaker, said, "Parents always care about children most. They love their children and worry so much about them. If a girl is 30 or a boy is more than 30 but not married, their parents are willing to try every means they can for them. Thus parents matchmaking parties in parks have been created. "
媒人Lu Shan表示:“父母为孩子担心得最多。他们爱他们的孩子,很为他们担心。如果一个女孩30岁或一个男孩超过30岁还没结婚,他们的父母愿意为他们尝试任何办法。因此,公园里牵线搭桥的父母党产生了。”

Zhongshan Park is located in the heart of the capital. Every weekend hundreds of parents flock to the park to try to find matches for their sons or daughters. They hold adverts displaying their children's vital statistics; age, income and whether or not they own a house. It is purely practical; speed dating without the romance. A 29-year-old translator who lives in Beijing has come to see Lu Shan in the hope of meeting someone special.
中山公园位于这座城市的市中心。每周,几百位父母涌入公园,尝试为他们的儿子或女儿寻找对象。他们拿着广告展示他们孩子的统计资料,年龄、收入、是否有房子。这非常实际;没有爱情的闪电约会。住在北京的一名29岁的翻译员来见Lu Shan,希望能遇见特别的人。

Fiona Yu, translator, said, "Because there is a lot of pressure from work, I seldom have any time to focus on finding a suitable boyfriend. Most women want a happy marriage. We all keep this in mind but don't spend much time to achieve it, neither do I have many opportunities. That's why I come here, to look for more opportunities."
翻译员Fiona Yu称:“因为工作压力大,我很少有时间专门去找一个合适的男朋友。大多数女人需要幸福的婚姻。我们都把这个记在心里,但是没有花太多时间去实现它,我的机会也不多。这就是我到这里来的原因,为的是寻找更多的机会。”

The success rate from the parent-arranged dates is very low, so many singles are trying their luck on Internet dating sites or relying on friends for introductions. But experts say the fundamental problems stem from an imbalance between the sexes, with men outnumbering the women, AND a trend among young women to maintain unrealistic requirements for their perfect match. Perhaps they should be looking for Mr. Right instead of Mr. Rich.


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