

Source: CCTV9  恒星英语编译  2011-10-21  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  


Muammar Qaddafi, the ruler of Libya for more than 40 years, was killed yesterday after hiding in a filthy drainage in his hometown city of Sirte. However, the disturbing images of a blood-stained and shaken leader draged around by angry fighters prior his death led the world to wonder who pulled the trigger.

The Mideast television Al Jazeera showed footage of Qaddafi, bloodied but alive, as he was dragged around by armed men on the streets in Sirte.

Later, the TV network broadcast a separate clip of his upper body, partly stripped, with eyes staring vacantly and an apparent gunshot wound to the head, as jubilant fighters fired automatic weapons in the air.

A third video, posted on Youtube, showed excited fighters hovering around his bloody but motionless body, posing for photographs, and some fighters yanked his limp head up and down by the hair.

The exact circumstances of his demise are still unclear with conflicting accounts of his death emerging. But the footage, possibly of the last chaotic moments of Gaddafi's life, offered some clues into what happened.

Gaddafi was still alive when he was captured. In the video, filmed by a bystander in the crowd and later aired on television, Gaddafi is shown being dragged off a vehicle's bonnet and pulled to the ground by his hair.

"Keep him alive, keep him alive!" someone shouts. Gunshots then ring out. The camera veers off.

Qaddafi’s body was ultimately seized by a brigade of Misurata-based fighters who had been fighting in Surt. A reporter accompanying Ali Tarhouni, a deputy chairman of the Transitional National Council who went to view the body, saw Qaddafi splayed out on a mattress in a reception room, shirtless, with bullet wounds in the chest and temple and with blood on the arms and hair.
卡扎菲的尸体最终被在苏尔特战斗的米苏拉塔基地士兵的一个旅捕获。跟随半岛电视台的一名记者,前去查看尸体的全国过渡委员会副主席Ali Tarhouni看到卡扎菲赤膊地张开在接待室的床垫上,胸部和太阳穴上有子弹的伤口,手臂和头发上带着血迹。

“We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Muammar Qaddafi has been killed,” Mahmoud Jibril, prime minister of the Transitional National Council, the interim government, told a news conference in Tripoli.

Libyan television also reported that one of Colonel Qaddafi’s feared sons, Muatassim, was killed in Sirte on Thursday, and broadcast images of what it said was Muatassim’s bloodstained corpse.

Officials of the Transitional National Council told reporters late Thursday that Qaddafi had been killed in a crossfire, when a gunfight erupted between his captors and his supporters — making the argument that he was not killed intentionally. Forensics experts outside Libya who viewed photographs of the body said the wounds appeared to have been caused by handgun fire at close range.

In Washington, US President Barack Obama said in a televised address that the death of Qaddafi signaled the start of a new chapter for Libya. “We can definitely say that the Qaddafi regime has come to an end,” he said. “The dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted and with this enormous promise the Libyan people now have a great responsibility to build an inclusive and tolerant and democratic Libya that stands as the ultimate rebuke to Qaddafi’s dictatorship.”

In a statement from NATO’s Libya operations headquarters in Naples, Italy, Roland Lavoie, a NATO spokesman, confirmed that the alliance’s aircraft struck two armed Libyan military vehicles near Sirte, but the he said that NATO officers did not know who was in them. “It is not NATO policy to target specific individuals,” he said.
在来自意大利那不勒斯北约利比亚行动总部的一份声明中,一名北约发言人Roland Lavoie确认,联盟的飞机袭击了苏尔特附近的两辆利比亚的武装军事车辆,但是他表示,北约军官不知道里面是谁。“北约的政策不是对准具体的个人,”他这样表示。


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