

Source: 恒星英语学习网  Onion  2010-09-25  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  


With the passing of the Mid-autumn festival, China's National Day holiday is fast approaching. Flower beds have been arranged in Tiananmen Square to mark the country's 61th birthday.

The world's largest public square has been turned into a massive garden.

On the heels of last year's 60th anniversary parade, this year, National Day is taking on a more natural look.

Stretching 50 meters in diameter and 3 meters high, the flower arrangements are supposed to signify the country's prosperity and peace.

Hundreds of thousands of flower pots have been carefully arranged to wow tourists and residents alike.

A tourist said, "Tiananmen square is full of colorful flowers. It is very beautiful."

"The beautiful flowers symbolize the country's prosperity." Said tourist.

Workers toiled through the night to prepare the beautiful array of flowers, to be ready for the crowd of visitors looking to get one last glimpse of nature's beauty before the winter sets in.

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