
英语专业八级满分听力 test-2

Source: 恒星英语学习网  Onion  2009-07-06  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  
[10:08.00]Section B  INTERVIEW
[10:12.27]In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY.
[10:16.09]Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
[10:19.70]Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview,
[10:24.51]you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following 5 questions.
[10:29.32]Now listen to the interview.
[10:31.62]Interviewer(M): Mrs. Hobson, would you please describe some of the things you do with
[10:36.12]aggressive children in this special school?
[10:38.43]Mrs. Hobson(W): Well, you must realize that when he comes here he is meeting other aggressive children,
[10:43.89]and aggressive children all together usually gum each other up.
[10:48.13]M: Umm.
[10:50.21]W: And they find that aggressive here doesn't pay off because you can be
[10:54.15]jolly sure there's one tougher and worse than he is.
[10:57.42]M: Umm.
[10:59.06]W: So I usually have ohm... Sometimes have organized fights.
[11:03.65]M: Organized fights? You actually...
[11:06.06]W: Yes.
[11:06.73]M: You actually encourage the children to.
[11:09.35]W: We have a ring and we have a bell.
[11:11.56]M: A boxing ring?
[11:12.65]W: Yes! They must conform, they must keep to the rules, and when they have either lost or won,
[11:18.33]we discuss what it is to be the winner and what it is like to lose.
[11:22.49]And we carry on with our discussion and go on to what it is like in life.
[11:27.63]M: Umm.
[11:29.06]W: We must win or lose and we must do each very gracefully.
[11:32.77]M: Would you please describe some children you have had problems with?
[11:37.04]W: I had one boy who cut off his dog's ears.
[11:40.42]M: Cut off his dog's ears? Good lord!
[11:43.49]W: Yes. And put a stone around his neck and drowned him.
[11:46.77]M: The dog?
[11:47.90]W: Yes. Then there was another boy that used to attack me.
[11:51.61]M: Attack you?
[11:53.44]W: Yes. Umm...with anything at hand. I hid scissors. Umm...he tried to cut my hair once. And...
[12:02.09]M: When you weren't looking?
[12:03.63]W: Yes. You have to be strong. And of course...er...
[12:07.57]M: By strong you mean...
[12:08.99]W: Physically strong and mentally.
[12:10.41]M: So that you can shove them away?
[12:13.14]W: Well, so that you can defend yourself. I always say to them I'm going to win.
[12:18.54]And once I've established that, we're all right.
[12:21.27]M: Mrs. Hobson, why do you think some children are aggressive?
[12:25.54]W: If a child is one of six or seven children in a family,
[12:29.69]it's pretty sure that he is naughty and aggressive because he is crying out for attention
[12:35.38]and in this large family he's found that a jolly good way of getting attention is to shout,
[12:40.96]be naughty. At least mummy turns round and says, "Be quiet, be a good boy, or you'll get this or that."
[12:47.63]M: So some children are aggressive simply in order...
[12:50.80]W: To gain attention! Aggressiveness usually is that.
[12:55.72]It's really the children crying out and saying, "Look at me, please."
[12:59.55]M: Umm.
[13:00.77]W: I'm not saying it's the answer in all circumstances but it usually is.
[13:05.58]M: What are the advantages of your school, as compared with ordinary school?
[13:10.29]W: The classes are smaller for one thing.
[13:13.24]M: How small?
[13:14.00]W: Er...we only have groups up to five or six.
[13:17.27]M: And in a normal school?
[13:19.46]W: Oh. that varies of course but it could be thirty to forty.
[13:22.86]M: Umm.
[13:24.38]W: Here he does have individual attention every day.
[13:27.66]M: Do you think the work is important?
[13:30.06]W: I do. Without our unit or something similar.
[13:32.80]M: The unit is the school?
[13:34.33]W: Yes, the whole unit. I think a lot of children would be left and then perhaps at the age of
[13:40.25]sixteen we would have our juvenile delinquent. I'm not saying we're curing them all,
[13:45.15]but I think at least with the unit available to these children, they have had a chance to make good.
[13:50.95]M: Umm.
[13:51.90]W: I'm not saying it always pays off, but they have had a chance.

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