
Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit12:Dictation item(7)

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2016-08-26  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Item seven.

Vocabulary. pedestrian, toll.

There are far too may road accidents in this country, too many death and too many people injured.

One wonders who are most to blame, drivers or pedestrians.

Some people say that the blame cannot be put fairly without considering the state of the road and the whole transport system.

On the other hand, many experts are convinced that the larger part of the blame for the death toll must be put on persons and persons alone.

To be fair, pedestrian, drivers and road conditions are all to blame.

One looks forward to the day when the motor-car has been replaced by some less dangerous means of transport.

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