
Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit4:Approaching Culture(1)

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Unit 4. Approaching Culture.

Part 1. Warming up.

A. Keywords. gift, luck,

Vocabulary. symbol, even,set, Argentina.

People in all countries enjoy gifts, sometimes the meanings are different in different cultures.

Listen to the following dialogues and look at the pictures below.

If it's not a proper gift in a certain country for an ordinary friend, cross out the picture and check the correct gift why it is not a proper gift.


This is interesting.

Did you know that in Argentina, you should never give clothing unless you know the person very well.

Don't give clothing? Why not?

Clothing, even things like ties are two personal. Only good friends give them.

Huh, I never thought of a tie as being personal, just uncomfortable.

What should you bring?

I don't know, Maybe something for the house.


We're meeting Mr Mertz and his wife for dinner.

Maybe I should bring flowers or something.

Yeah, I'll pick up some red roses.

You don't want to bring roses.

In Switzerland, they could be a symbol of love and romance.

Oh, I didn't know that.

I think candy or chocolate might be better.


I'd like some flowers. Un, rose, about ten, I guess.

Ma'am, I don't think you should give ten flowers.

In Italy, even numbers, 2,4,6, and so on are bad luck.

Even numbers are bad luck?

OK, I'll take 9 flowers then.


May I help you?

I'm going to stay with a family in Japan.

I need to get something for them.

Pen sets are always a good gift.

Oh, that's a good idea.

Let's see. There are sets with a pen and pencil and bigger sets with four pens.

Don't give a set of 4 pens.

In fact, don't give four of anything, it's bad luck.

The Japanese word for "four" sounds like the word for "death".

Thank for telling me.

I'll take the pen and pencil set.

Good choice. These sets made very good gifts. After all, pens write in any language.

Uh...yeah. Right.

B. Keywords. greet, traditional, friends.

Vocabulary, hug, firm.

There are many ways in the world to greet people.

Listen to a few examples of greeting from some countries, choose correct answers for each greeting.

A bow.

Around the world, there are many different ways to greet people.

Bowing is the traditional way of greeting in Northeast Asian countries, like Korean and Japan.

This picture, for example, shows how Japanese women bow.

In Japan, when you bow, you don't look directly at the other person's eyes.

But in Korean, it's important to see the other person's face when you bow.

In both countries, people bow to show respect.

A hug.

When good friends meet in Russia, they often hug each other.

This is true for both women and men.

Russian isn't the only place where friends hug.

In Brazil, for example, friends also hug each other in greeting.

In Brazil, the hug is called an abraco.

A strong, short handshake.

You all know how to shake hands.

This is common in many countries.

But it isn't always done the same way.

In the United States and Canada, for example, people usually give a strong, short handshake.

It's short, but rather firm.

A soft, longer handshake.

In many other countries, people also shake hands.

But they do it differently from the U.S and Canada.

In Mexico, and Egypt for example, Many people, especially men, shake hands.

Mexico and Egypt handshakes usually last a little longer. The handshake is softer, not as strong.

C. keywords. holiday, celebration, observe, feast, in honor of, commemorate, celebrate,

Vocabulary. seasonal, affection, anonymously, lunar,unsuspecting, victim,annual,

tradesman,stuff, patroness, spinster,missionary, patron saint, movable,

the Canal Zone, Philippine Islands, Saint Catherine, Saint Patrick.

Listen to the following holidays, which are observed in different areas around the world.

Write the date and the area.

The world holiday comes from the words "holy" and"day".

Originally holidays were holy or religious days.

Nowadays holidays include national, seasonal and historical days of celebration.

Here are some traditional holidays in some countries.

February 14 is Valentine's day.

It is observed in some European and some North American countries.

People send cards or gifts expressing love and affection, sometimes anonymously to their sweethearts or friends.

Feast of Dolls in Japan falls on March 2.

It is observed there in honor of girls.

Feast of Banners in Japan is on May 5.

It is observed in honor of boys.

May 5 is Dragon Boat Festival in China and is held according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

People eat rice cakes and hold dragon boat races to commemorate the ancient scholar---statesman Qu Yuan.

August 15 is Middle Autumn Festival in China.

It's held according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

People eat moon cakes while looking at the bright full moon.

April Fools' day is on April 1st.

In some European countries and in North America, people play practical jokes or tricks on each other and those unsuspecting victims are called April Fools.

July 14 is Bastille Day.

It is annual holiday in France to commemorate the fall of Bastille.

December 26 is Boxing day in Britain, Canada and the U.S.

It's observed as a holiday from the custom of giving Christmas boxes to the tradesmen or staff on this day.

May day, known also as Internation Labor Day, is a public holiday in many European countries. the Canal Zone, Philippine Islands and the Latin American countries.

It falls on May 1st and it's celebrated especially by the working people.

November 25 is Saint Catherine's day.

The French celebrate this playful holiday in honor of Saint Catherine, the patroness of spinsters, or unmarried women,

The day is observed mainly by the Parisian sewing girls who are over 25 and don't marry.

It's the day for fun, parades, dances and receptions.

March 17 is Saint Patrick's Day.

This is Ireland's greatest national holiday.

The date marks the anniversary of the death of the missionary who became the patron saint of Ireland.

Green is the color of the day.

Mother's day is a movable day.

It falls on the second Sunday in May.

Mother's day was founded by Miss Anna M.Jarvis of Philadelphia. It is now observed in countries all around the world, including England, France, Sweden, Denmark, India, China and Mexico.

上一篇:Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit3:Travelling from place to place(4)
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