
Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit3:Travelling from place to place(2)

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2016-08-15  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Part 2. It's the only way to travel.

Keywords. journey, plane, jet travel, train.

Vocabulary. marvellous, Victoria, Plymouth.

Douglas and Annabel have arrived their friend Charles's house by plane and by train respectively,

which means of transportation is better?

Listen to a conversation and complete the following chart with keywords.

Ah, That's much better!

Ah,It's yours, I think...er...Doug.

Thank you very much, Charles.

Right, You have a good journey then, Douglas?

Yes I did, I did. I must say the plane was marvellous. marvellous.

Very quick then?

Er...the plane journey was terrifically quick...er...I mean, you...er...what... you met me about 9...er...what...er...10...10:45.

About 10:30.

Yes, the plane got in at...er...10:30 and we left Gatwick at 9:15.

What time did you have to start though in the morning?

Well, that was...er...that was a different story.

Because I had to get to Victoria. ...um... you know, to get to Getwick and it's...er... from...er...Victoria to Getwick's three quarters of an hour.

Then I had leave home at 7:30 and get up at 6:30.

Oh, gracious me! So I'm not sure if you can save much really.

Jet travel,my goodness me!

It was worth the experience, though?

Oh, I mean, you know.

I've never flown across the South of England

and it really looked absolutely fantastic, especially as we proach...approached Plymouth with this sunshine and it looked really marvellous...marvellous.

Well, when you come up next time, would you be coming the same way?

Oh, I don't think so.

I don't... to be honest. Hello, isn't that ...Annabel!


Nice to see you!

Hello there, how are you?

What a drink , my dear?

Yes, please.

You had a good journey?

Yes, I had a lovely time, OK, I came by train...er...it was...er...

What time did you start then?

Oh, about 10:30 I think.

Got here about 1:30. So it's only what...three...hours. Very quick.

Douglas came up by plane!

Oh, have fancy!

Well...this was a nice train, you know, very modern and comfortable.

And of course loads of trains about every hour I think.


Did you get something to eat on the train?

Yes, thanks, yes. Had a nice lunch.

Oh, it's wonderful, you can sit there drinking your soup and watching the view go by.

I bet it's a... it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the plane.

Well, actually, I thought it was quite expensive.

...um...unless you've got, you know, a student card or something.

Oh, those days are long gone!

But it was quite... quite crowded. I was...I was glad I've booked a seat. you know.

Yeah, yeah.

上一篇:Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit3:Travelling from place to place(1)
下一篇:Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit3:Travelling from place to place(3)

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