
Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit1:Education is a Key(4)

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2016-08-15  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Part 4. University Campus.

A. Keywords.

administration, auditorium, clinic, mathematics, chemistry, physics, library, history, Chinese, education,

philosophy, geography, foreign languages, sports ground, psychology.

Vocabulary. auditorium,

You are going to hear some information about the layout of the university campus.

Listen carefully. Write down the names of different places in the right positions on the map.

Look at the map, at the bottom of the page, find the gate.

Now locate the administration building, it's between the river and the lake, close to the main road.

The building behind the administration is the auditorium.

Where is the library?

It's on the right-hand side of the main road, close to the river.

Across the main road from the library, the building by the river is the Education Department.

The first building on the left-hand side of the main road is the Geography Department.

The Philosophy Department is between the Education and Geography.

The building at the end of the main road is the Mathematics Department.

On its left is the Physics Department.

And on its right, near the lake is the Chemistry Department.

Another building behind the lake is the Clinic.

The Chinese Department is facing the lake, across the main road.

The building between the Chinese Department and the river is the Foreign Languages Department.

The History Department is the first building on the right of the main road.

Next to the History Department is the Psychology Department.

And last the sports ground is behind the education, philosophy and geography departments.

B. Keywords. application, university, transcript, major in.

Vocabulary. transcript, counselor, knack.

A student is applying for a university.

Fill in the application form with information you hear.

Good morning, have a seat.

Good morning, thank you.

I have an application here somewhere. Yes, here it is. Your name is Robert Martin. Right?

That's right, Sir.

And you hope to enter our university next fall?

Yes, sir, if I can make it.

Fine, Bob. I notice that you finished high school a year ago.

Why didn't you enter a college that year?

Well, I have a sister in college now.

And there's another one who will be going next year.

So I had to earn a little money to help pay my way.

Good, it sounds as if you are pretty responsible fellow.

I see that you attended two grade schools.

Yes, Sir. My first six years I went to a public school in my hometown.

Then I went to an military school for two years.

And came back your hometown for your high school.

That's right, Sir.

I see. I don't find a transcript among your papers.

Do you have one?

I'm not sure I know what that is.

Oh, That's a list of your grades.

Oh, yes. That's in the mail now.

Oh, right. How were your grades?

Well, pretty good until my second year in the high school.

Then I guess I got a little too interested in sports.

But I know I'll work hard in college.

What do you want to major in?

I want to major in biology.

That was my best subject in high school.

I'm really interested in it.

That sounds fine, Bob.

Have you discussed this with your teachers and your parents?

Oh, sure. My science teacher thinks that's just what I ought to go into and my parents say I should make my own choice.

Did you have some math and other science courses in high school?

Everything they offered.

And I did some extra work for my teacher,too.

Well, Bob, You should get along all right here.

But it's hard to keep up with both sports and studies.

Yes, sir, I know.

Fine, I'll hold your application until we get the transcript.

When we've seen it, we'll let you know, probably in about two weeks.

Thank you very much, sir.

By the way, what did your guidance counselor tell you?

He told me I had a real knack for scientific things.

I know I do, too.

I've been fascinated with science since I was a child.

And interest of that kind of really signifies something.

Well, good luck, Bob.

Thank you, sir, goodbye.

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