

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2015-07-30  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

[15:17.52]in the experiment after so many blood-sweating days and nights.
[15:41.58]2 intention
[15:50.41]He came with every intention to stay on this new job,
[15:57.07]but now he's decided to leave.
[16:07.84]And the most puzzling thing is that he's been keeping all
[16:18.00]to himself his intention of finding an even better-paid job,
[16:24.48]never telling anyone,including his dear and near,
[16:30.12]what he's been turning over in his mind all these years.
[17:09.77]3 Westerners
[17:18.63]When we talk about Westerners,
[17:22.47]we usually refer to those who live in or come from the west part of the world.
[17:41.43]4 certainty
[17:50.79]We're all 100% sure that your horse will lose the race-that's a certainty,
[17:58.15]though I can't say with any certainty whose horse will win.
[18:22.03]Many of those whose horses are in the race can have no certainty of success.
[18:36.58]But some believe that Mr.Black's horse is a certainty,
[19:06.12]8 enriches
[19:28.88]Reading enriches the mind exactly in the same way fertilizer enriches soll.
[20:16.42]The story of how I got my new job,
[20:20.99]and came to be on such good terms with my boss is a funny one.
[20:26.63]It happened like this.I was eyeling along a street on my way to the intervies.
[20:36.19]A yellow car passed me and suddenly cut in right in front of me,
[20:43.27]as there was another car coming in the other direction.
[20:48.42]I had to brake hard and I hit another cyelist.
[20:54.58]We both fell,but fortunately neither of us was hurt.
[21:00.54]I was extremely angry!
[21:04.61]I saw that a little further up the road the traffic lights had turned red.
[21:11.98]I cyeled as last as I could
[21:16.42]and saw that the driver in the yellow car was waiting at the red light.
[21:24.00]I was still so angry that I went up to tell him what I thought of him.
[21:31.76]I cycled in front of him,got off my bicycle
[21:38.10]and laid it down on the road in front of his car so that he couldn't drive off.
[21:45.68]Then I told him what a bad driver I thought he was.
[21:51.43]I told him that he had knocked two people off their bicycles
[21:57.98]and had nearly caused a bad accident.
[22:02.66]I told him that he was a danger to other people on the road.
[22:08.72]I went on shouting at him while everyone was looing at him.
[22:14.57]His face became red.
[22:18.20]When the light turned green,I said to him,"Don't be so stupid in the future.
[22:26.53]Drive carefully so that everyone can enjoy a long life."
[22:32.80]Then I picked up my bicycle and rode on.
[22:38.37]Fortunately,I was on time for the interview.
[22:43.72]It was an important job,and I wanted the job very much.
[22:49.97]I walked into the room where three people were waiting to interview me.
[22:56.52]There was a woman who was the boss of the office in which I wanted to work.
[23:03.29]There was a man with whom I would have to work together
[23:08.33]and finally the manager of the company-
[23:12.80]the driver of the yellow car!
[23:17.16]We looked at each other for a moment in great surprise and total silence.
[23:24.53]What should I do now?
[23:28.29]I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke!
[23:34.06]I laughed and said,"Yes,we've already met,haven't we?
[23:40.72]I remember that the last time we met I did most of the talking,
[23:47.17]so perhaps I should let you do the talking this time."
[23:52.45]For a moment I saw him thinking.
[23:56.53]Then he realised that I was not going to say anything about his bad driving.
[24:03.68]The interiew went very well.
[24:07.52]I told the company about my work experience
[24:12.49]and answered their questions as well as I could.
[24:17.06]Two days later I received a letter offering me the job.
[24:23.22]I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry
[24:29.28]with me for having been so rude.
[24:32.84]Now I make jokes about it and say to everyone
[24:38.17]that I dare tell my manager exactly what I think of him.


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