

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2015-05-18  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

[06:41.74]It was so quiet in the mountains that night-there was almost no wind,
[06:49.10]only the sound of the fire.
[06:53.26]We have already travelled so far.
[06:58.01]We are reaching Dali in Yunnan Province
[07:02.87]where our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang will join us.
[07:08.20]We can hardly wait to see them!
[07:12.93]2.Listen to the tape and mark the rising
[07:22.31]and falling tone of each sense group and sentence.
[07:27.95]Then practise reading aloud.
[07:40.67]1.Listen to Part 3 CHATTNG WITH A GIRL and tick the words you hear on the tape.
[10:28.82]2.Listen again to the tape and fill in the chart.
[10:35.59]Reading and writing
[10:43.92]Many people put their thoughts into a diary
[10:49.20]but others write about their travels in what is called a travel journal.
[10:56.17]What is the difference between the two?
[11:00.90]For one thing,a journal isn't as personal as a diary.
[11:07.25]For another, a travel journal has a different purpose.
[11:13.72]In a journal,writers also record their experiences,
[11:19.89]ideas and afterthoughts about what they have seen.
[11:25.64]While diary writers try to record how they feel very soon after things happen,
[11:33.39]journal writers try to better understand what hsa happened to them much later.
[11:40.24]Unlike a diary,a travel journal is written for lots of readers.
[11:47.29]Its topics can be different from a diary,often including people,things,
[11:54.45]and evnents less familiar to the readers.
[12:14.43]1.Listen to Part 4 of JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG
[12:21.98]and tick the words you hear on the tape.
[14:10.02]2.Listen again and then answer the questions.
[14:16.97] LISTENING TASk
[14:24.84]1.Listen to Part 5.
[14:30.79]Wang Kun is describing a few of the things they saw during their tour.
[14:38.73]Pick out the correct information and then tell about their experience in Laos.
[16:58.78]2.Listen to the tape again and fill in the information on the chart.
[17:07.71]REANING TASK
[17:26.46]Cambodia was in many ways similar to Laos,although it has twice the population.
[17:33.94]At another inn,
[17:37.88]we talked with a teacher who old us that half of the people in her country
[17:43.52]country couldn't read or write.
[17:47.47]Her village couldn't even afford to build a school,
[17:52.61]so she had to teach outside under a large tent.
[17:57.58]When we said goodbye,we all felt very lucky to have studied in college.
[18:04.84]Back on the road,we passed between many hills and forests.
[18:10.77]Then we came to the plains and entered Phnom Penh,the capital of Cambodia.
[18:17.82]In many ways it looked like Vientiane and Ho Chi Minh City;
[18:24.30]it also had wide streets with trees in rows and old French houses.
[18:31.14]Unlike Vientiane,ships could travel the Mekong River here.
[18:37.81]In the centre of the city we visited the palace and saw a beautiful white elephant.
[18:45.67]It can only be seen outside the palace on special days.
[18:51.55]We ate an early supper and went to see a great temple with floors made of silver.
[18:59.10]The next morning our group slept late.
[19:03.95]We were very tired from the long bike ride the day before.
[19:09.52]Cycling in the hills had been difficult.
[19:14.95]Now our cousins had the chance to make jokes about Wang Wei and me.
[19:20.59]Perhaps,they said,they were the strong ones!
[19:26.05]We had lunch at a nice outdoor cafe,then rode out of the city.
[19:33.50]Two days later we crossed the border into Vietnam.
[19:38.36]We began to see many more people,but I wasn't surprised.
[19:44.31]I read in an atlas before our trip
[19:48.99]that Vietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia.
[19:55.52]We met a farmer who gave us directions
[20:00.56]and told us that he grows a new rice crop four times every year
[20:07.12]so he can feed more people.
[20:11.48]He also told us that the northern part of his country has many mountains
[20:18.64]and is much cooler than here in the south,where it is flat.

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