

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2015-04-10  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  
[00:00.00]恒星英语学习网 Unit 2  English around the world
[00:05.69]WARMING UP
[00:08.54]NANCY:Oh,there you are.Now then,did you have a good flight?
[00:14.79]JOE:Sure,we flew all the way direct from Seattle to London.
[00:20.43]NANCY:You must be very tired.Did you sleep at all on the plane?
[00:26.38]JOE:No,not really.I'm very tired.Could I use your bathroom?
[00:33.04]NANCY:Why,of course.You don't need to ask,just make yourself at home.
[00:39.29]  Let me give you a clean towel.
[00:43.15]JOE:A towel?
[00:45.79]NANCY:Yes.Here you are.The bathroom is upstairs.
[00:51.67]  It's the second door on the left.
[00:55.61]JOE:Thanks Nancy.If you'll excuse me now. (after a while)
[01:00.58]NANCY:Have you found it?
[01:03.63]JOE:Well,eh yes,I mean no,I mean,I found the bathroom,
[01:11.50]but I didn't find what I was looking for!
[01:16.36]LISTENING  Listen carefully to the tape.
[01:25.21]Mr Brown's landlady has many house rules.
[01:30.78]Write down five of them.
[01:34.43]It's that woman,she drives me crazy.
[01:40.10]It all started right from the very first day.
[01:45.25]I would say from the very first evening when I set foot into that house.
[01:51.73]"Good evening,Mr Brown could you please put your coat on the peg?
[01:57.79]Oh,no,not there.In the closet please.
[02:02.64]Yes, thank you.And oh your shoes,could you please take them off.
[02:09.59]Thank you.And eh...your umbrella.
[02:14.66]Yes could you please put your umbrella in the umbrella stand?
[02:21.01]Oh,no,not there.Here,please don't forget the key of the front door.
[02:28.58]Here you are.
[02:31.43]And remember,if you come home after midnight please lock the door.
[02:38.30]Good night. Oh,Mr Brown.
[02:42.85]Would you please be quiet after nine o'clock in the evening?
[02:47.92]And that was only the beginning.
[02:51.86]"Mr Brown,don't shower after nine" she shouted.
[02:57.42]she would walk pass my door and say
[03:01.50]"Mr Brown would you please remember not to smoking in the bathroom?
[03:07.06]could you lock the door please?"
[03:10.54]Will you turn down your radio please?"
[03:14.59]"Please Mr Brown,could you speak quietly on the phone?"
[03:20.62]It was terrible.Oh I could not stay there another week for sure.
[03:27.99]and then there was this letter "Dear Mr Brown." said.
[03:33.55]"Could you please return the key of the front door?
[03:38.31]And one more question "Can you help me find a new talent for my flat?
[03:51.03]1 EMILY:Karen,can you tell me how to pronounce "kilometre"?
[03:57.58]KAREN:Sure. British people say  [] and Americans say [].
[04:04.85]TEACHER:Karen and Emily,is there anything that isn't clear to you?
[04:10.78]KAREN:Emily asked me a question but I already answered  her.
[04:16.42]TEACHER:What was her question?
[04:19.66]KAREN:She asked me how to pronounce: "kilometre".
[04:23.92]2 MS SMITH:Harry,take these two pizzas to Mr Thompson on Broad Street,Number 12.
[04:32.98]HARRY:Can you spell that name,please?
[04:36.82]MS SMITH: T-h-o-m-p-s-o-n. On Broad Street, Number 12.
[04:45.75]HARRY:Can you repeat the address,please?
[04:49.62]MS SMITH:Broad Street,Number 12.   HARRY:Got it.
[04:54.77]MS SMITH:Take Dave's motorbike.Here are the keys.And hurry up!
[05:00.64]HARRY:Anything else?
[05:03.52]MS SMITH:Don't forget to buy me some ketchup on your way back.
[05:17.73]English is a language spoken all around the world.
[05:23.08]There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English.
[05:30.24]Most native speakers of English are found in the United Kingdom,
[05:36.09]the United States of America,Canada,Australia,
[05:42.73]South Africa,Ireland and New Zealand.
[05:48.58]In total,for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue.
[05:57.36]And equal number people learn English as a second language.
[06:03.60]These people will perhaps speak the language of their own country at home with their family,
[06:10.76]but the language of the government,schools,newspapers and TV is English.

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