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  • 英语听力材料

  • 回顾领带的历史

    2009-02-15 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    For fans of fashionable neckwear for men, what's old is new again. Now Mo Rocca who follows these matters has his own ideas about that. Way back in the 1990s, freedom was

  • 英国银行为经济危机道歉

    2009-02-15 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    Protest's outside, apology's inside."And we are extremely sorry."The four former bosses of Britain's two biggest troubled banks, the Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS, ga

  • 放松自己的5种方法

    2009-02-13 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    I've heard about the recent survey that found a third of us are living with extreme stress. Well, as the holiday is approaching, the shopping season kicks in, it's not g

  • 现在结婚是良好的理财举措吗?

    2009-02-13 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    And this morning, on today’s Money marriage and your finances, you've spent your life building your nest egg, and protecting your assets and then it happens. You fall in

  • 日本丰田失业率创新高

    2009-02-13 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    They keep coming, one after the other, all in the same situation, fired because of Toyota's cutbacks. Toyota City Japan is seeing historic heights in unemployment. The ci

  • 美国的刺激方案能救得了谁?

    2009-02-13 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    美国的救世计划对于中小型企业来说究竟有多少裨益,这些钱能够挽救多少企业?Many small business owners want to see the government change how it does business with them. Over t

  • 女生必看:青春常驻有秘法

    2009-02-13 所属栏目:英语听力材料


  • 为了科学捐出自己的大脑

    2009-02-13 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    Ted Johnson does not hide in the sun anymore. His head, once as battered as the helmet he wore as a New England Patriots linebacker for ten seasons, no longer hurts every

  • 福克斯Red Eye两周年脱口秀

    2009-02-13 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    So “Red Eye” viewer Beth Navarra wrote to me yesterday, saying “God, did I ever hate your show when it first came out. But it’s like smoking. It makes you sick at firs

  • 芭比原来早就不是娃娃了 芭比娃娃50岁啦

    2009-02-12 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    芭比娃娃在这次金融危机当中也受到了影响。芭比娃娃系列不仅仅只是娃娃,还有一些衍生产品、电影等等。"Barbie dressed these women bonus only three dollars."It's been 50 years s

  • 吃的是草,挤出来的是奶

    2009-02-12 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    奶牛对于我们而言可能是最“实惠”的一种动物了。日常生活当中,我们常说牛最勤劳,最辛苦,吃的是草,挤出来的是奶。让我们和奶牛近距离接触吧!This is the animal we see grazing i

  • 美国购房断供创历史记录

    2009-02-12 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    Well, 2008 was a very rough year for the economy and a particularly rough year for the housing market. Foreclosure filings spiked by more than 81% last year. That is a rec

  • 无良父亲卖了女儿去买酒喝

    2009-02-12 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    Police have arrested a California man for allegedly arranging to sell his 14-year old daughter into marriage in exchange for 16,000 dollars, one hundred cases of beer and

  • 母子失散多年网络重逢

    2009-02-11 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    Thirty two years ago,"I was young and barely surviving."Terri Fuller put her two-year-old son up for adoption. "I felt he needed a family. "Her aunt said she knew a couple

  • 缅甸所面临的粮食危机

    2009-02-11 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    The UN has just issued a report saying that six million people in Myanmar need food right now. How critical is the situation? It's a real paradox, because in the same yea

  • 麦当劳成功的营销手段

    2009-02-10 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    A big night, for CNBC, too, at nine PM Eastern Time, a new documentary called Big Mac inside the McDonald’s empire is gonna make its long anticipated debut. If you rememb

  • 网络相册存在的安全隐患

    2009-02-10 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    Last week, Miss New Jersey told us how someone was trying to blackmail her, threatening to make public embarrassing photographs that she posted on her Facebook page. And y

  • 白宫因被出售而易主?

    2009-02-10 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    The White House, it's a place presidential candidates dream of calling 'home'. "Thanks for having us." Fred Milani is no politician, but he does have a penchant for pre

  • 中国的旱灾灾情严重

    2009-02-10 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    With no rain here in Beijing, and across many central and northern provinces, officials say many parts of the country are now in the grips of the worst drought in five dec

  • 小狗们是糖尿病患者的福音

    2009-02-10 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    Coby, the lab, nudges and pushes and bugs Bill Palmer until he gets his attention. That's how he warns that his blood sugar is dangerously low. "He is able to smell when

  • 多快的心率才算是正常的呢?

    2009-02-09 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    如果只是你坐在那里,什么都没干,而心跳却超过了100跳每分钟,那么你的身体可能存在着隐患哦,听听专家怎么说。So how was it, Doctor? Was it alright? Good, good. OK. I have my p

  • 与众不同的迪士尼电影

    2009-02-09 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    That’s Ratatouille, he is a rat, he cooks, he wants to be a chef. But what really matters is what Disney wants from Ratatouille? The answer is your money. So they are doi

  • 100%的纯果汁就是最健康饮料吗?

    2009-02-09 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    Now, Uh, if you are a parent, you’ve heard a lot about drinking juice in kids. Well, that juice may help kids pack on the pounds. But a new study now at the Bello Univers

  • 大雪猛降,几乎让伦敦限于停顿

    2009-02-09 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    London skyline on Monday, many of its landmarks capped in snow. Forecasters said it was the heaviest snowfall for six years, and strongly advised people to stay home.Motor

  • 加州一母亲喜获八胞胎

    2009-02-09 所属栏目:英语听力材料

    We are back turning now to southern California, where a woman this week gave birth to eight children. And as the novelty of the initial news subsides, there are now some r

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