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中学英语词汇 初二(单元) C2_Un1-8
[00:00.00]恒星英语学习网(hxen.com)welcome              first                lesson               sir
[00:04.00]interj.&vt.欢迎      num.第一             n.课;功课            n.先生;阁下
[00:07.99]term                 so                   piece                a piece of
[00:12.26]n.学期               conj.因此;所以      n.张(片,块,…)      一张(片,块,…)
[00:16.54]paper                call                 may                  matter
[00:20.77]n.纸;报纸           vt.叫喊;打电话给…   v.aux.可以           vi.要紧;有重大关系
[00:25.00]It doesn't matter    time                 next                 next time
[00:29.69]没关系               n.次;次数           adj.下一个的         下次
[00:34.38]second               long                 short                tall
[00:38.70]num.第二             adj.长的             adj.短的;矮的       adj.高的
[00:43.02]pair                 third                shop                 fourth
[00:46.99]n.一对;一双          num.第三             vi.买东西            num.第四
[00:50.96]fifth                moon                 sun                  ship
[00:55.47]num.第五             n.月亮               n.太阳               n.轮船
[00:59.98]another              land                 sea                  usually
[01:04.86]adj.&pron.再一(个)   n.陆地;土地          n.海;海洋           adv.通常
[01:09.75]by                   walk                 foot                 on foot
[01:13.87]prep.乘(车,船等)    vi.走;散步n.散步     n.脚                 步行
[01:18.00]parent               parents              train                page
[01:22.53]n.父(母)亲           n.双亲;父母亲        n.火车               n.页;页码
[01:27.07]fine                 air                  clean                eighth
[01:31.15]adj.好的;天气晴朗的 n.天空;空气          adj.清洁的;干净的    num.第八
[01:35.24]autumn               mid-autumn           ninth                free
[01:40.32]n.秋天;秋季         中秋                 num.第九             adj.空闲的;自由的
[01:45.40]night                mooncake             must                 come over
[01:50.93]n.夜晚;夜空         n.月饼               v.aux.必须;应当     过来;顺便来访
[01:56.45]hungry               a little             why                  round
[02:01.34]adj.饥饿的           一点;少量           adv.为什么           adj.圆的;球形的
[02:06.22]than                 nut                  delicious            full
[02:10.64]conj.比              n.坚果;坚果仁       adj.美味的;可口的   adj.(肚子)饱的
[02:15.05]letter               September            October              kind
[02:19.74]n.信;字母           n.九月               n.十月               n.种类
[02:24.43]kinds of             at night             in the open air      twelfth
[02:29.21]各种各样的           在夜里               在户外;在野外       num.第十二
[02:33.99]out                  outside              gate                 what about…
[02:38.52]adv.在外             prep.在…外          n.大门               …怎么样?
[02:43.06]nothing              idea                 Good idea!           sure
[02:48.19]pron.&n.没有东西     n.主意;念头;想法   好主意!             adv.的确;一定
[02:53.32]good-bye             have a swim          hair                 month
[02:58.10]interj.再见;再会    游泳                 n.头发               n.月
[03:02.88]few                  a few                could                for
[03:07.51]adj.少数的           n.少许;少数         v.aux.可以…,行     prep.为;给
[03:12.13]better               best                 road                 help...with
[03:16.52]adj.&adv.更好的(地)  adj.&adv.最好的(地)  n.路;公路           帮助某人干某事
[03:20.91]pick                 when                 quite                put on
[03:25.64]vt.&vi.摘;挑选         adv.什么时候;何时   adv.很;十分         穿上(衣服);戴上(帽)
[03:32.92]hard                 far                   metre               kilometre
[03:37.35]adv.努力地           adj.&adv.远的(地)     n.米(公尺)          n.千米(公里)
[03:41.78]get on               truck                 ladder              climb
[03:46.46]上车                 n.卡车                n.梯子              vt.&vi.爬;攀登
[03:51.13]hold                 lift                  more                most
[03:55.77]vt.拿;握住          vt.举起;抬起         adj.更多的adv.更    adj.&adv.最多
[04:00.40]strong               careful               be careful          reach
[04:05.28]adj.强壮的;坚强的   adj.小心的;仔细的     当心;小心          vt.&vi.伸手够到…
[04:10.15]dangerous            busy                  puzzle
[04:13.83]adj.危险的           adj.忙的;繁忙的      n.难题;(字,画)谜
[04:17.52]shall                park                  quarter              past
[04:22.30]v.aux.(我,我们)将要 n.公园                n.一刻钟;四分之一   prep.(超)过;经过
[04:27.08]finish               then                  first                meal
[04:31.56]vt.完成;结束        adv.到那时           adv.最初;首先       n.一餐(顿)饭
[04:36.04]minute               no                   zoo                  animal
[04:40.52]n.分钟               adj.没有             n.动物园             n.动物
[04:45.00]panda                tiger                elephant             live
[04:49.67]n.熊猫               n.虎                 n.象                 vi.居住;生活
[04:54.35]dog                  monkey               inside               have a good time
[04:59.48]n.狗                 n.猴子               prep.在…的里面      玩得很高兴
[05:04.61]boat                 boating              be good at           chicken
[05:09.75]vi.划船              n.划船(游玩)         在…方面(学得)好     n.鸡;鸡肉
[05:14.88]duck                 hear                 well                 all the time
[05:19.56]n.鸭(子)             vt.&vi.听见;听说    interj.喔;好吧      一直
[05:24.23]usually              popular              find out             soccer
[05:29.56]adv.通常             adj.流行的;受欢迎的 找出;查明           n.英式足球
[05:34.89]player               also
[05:37.67]n.比赛者;选手       adv.也
[05:40.45]answer               question             front                left
[05:45.18]vt.&n.回答           n.问题               n.前面a.前面的       n.&adj.左;左边(的)
[05:49.91]hand                 side                 right                back
[05:53.93]n.手                 n.边;面             n.&adj.右;右边(的)  n.&adj.后面(的)
[05:57.96]next                 next to              in front of          touch
[06:02.58]adv.贴近             贴近;其次           在…前面             vt.触摸;接触
[06:07.20]word                 head                 face                 ear
[06:11.74]n.词;话语           n.头;头部           n.脸;面孔           n.耳朵
[06:16.27]eye                  nose                 arm                  leg
[06:20.34]n.眼睛               n.鼻子               n.手臂;胳膊         n.腿
[06:24.42]part                 body                 draw                 from...to
[06:28.49]n.部分               n.身体               vt.画;绘制          从…到…
[06:32.57]keep                 mustn't              stop                 pass
[06:38.34]vt.&vi.保持;留住    不可以               vi.停止              vt.传递