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全新大学英语星火式巧记速记精练MP3(含lrc字幕)Word List16
[00:21.76]Word List 16
[00:40.93]You can e-mail us your application materials.
[00:49.13]He has to maintain a large family.
[00:56.79]I’ll call in the maintenance man.
[01:08.71]Do you think they will make a movie out of this book?
[01:12.75]How can you make up for
[01:14.18]all those lessons you missed?
[01:52.89]Are you experienced in office management?
[02:02.30]Many a book has been written on the subject.
[02:25.71]I like my coffee with a little milk.
[02:45.84]It’s a pretty remarkable thing,
[02:47.76]my clients tell me,
[02:49.18]to wake up and not have to go anywhere.
[03:38.90]May you succeed!
[04:04.60]There is another dimension to this problem
[04:08.43]you haven’t considered.
[04:46.82]Please remember me to your parents.
[05:50.58]I was in the middle of my work when he called.
[06:36.74]Do you really mean it?
[06:42.10]Classical music has so much depth and meaning.
[07:05.62]I have two minds about what to choose.
[07:09.66]Never mind! I can do it by myself.
[07:18.19]Do you have any comment on this clause?
[07:22.46]By the way, before leaving this subject,
[07:26.18]I would like to add a few comments.