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学个词 Learn A Word 第1003课: gold standard

今天我们要学的词是gold standard。 Gold standard, 意思是同类事物的最高标准。 "The iPhone is the gold standard in the smartphone market," iPhone是智能手机市场上最棒的产品。曾带领加州大学洛杉矶分校十次赢得美国大学篮球联赛总冠军的传奇教练 约翰.伍登去世,享年99岁。 "Coach Wooden was considered the gold standard of coaches," 伍登教练生前被大家普遍认为是教练的典范。 "Many young people consider hulu.com the gold standard of watching TV on the web," 很多年轻人觉得hulu.com是上网看电视的最好的网站。好的,今天我们学习的词是gold standard...