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  In the last few days before you take the TOEFL test, the very important thing is to relaxe yourself. See to it that you must be at the highlight on the very day. So you can release your potential proficiently and express yourself energetically and smoothly, produce sparks however.

  Do not oblige yourself to complete all the paper you've got especially in an anxious and nervous mood. Be cool, it's nothing serious. In the last few days, keep yourself in active motion and adapt to the rhythm of the TOEFL test -- pratising doing the tests under timed condition as if you are sitting in the test center doing your real TOEFL test. What you must do is not the remain test papers you haven't done,as the format of the TOEFL may change from time to time and be sure that the ETS will never apply a same paper. Review your notebook and your faults ---where the pit you've fallen in. However, it dose matter to do some up-to-date stadardized samples and real testbooks in order to feel the style of the ETS and the rhythm of the test. Once you've completed one column, make it count!

  Take a breath and let go yourself! A good condition plus a relaxed mood will accompany you to face the battle with confidence and proficiency towards your success.

  May you success and a happy cool summer day!

  在过一个星期就是下一次托福的考试日期了。在这个夏日里苦读的托福考友们,小泉为你们加油鼓劲!最后的50米了,make a dash! 当然,调整好你的心态和状态是十分重要的,确保自己的颠峰是在八月七日这一天是很关键的。有些同学在临考前十分的紧张,猫着劲儿要做完所有手头拥有的全真题。这样一来可能会弄的自己疲惫不堪,并且过度的紧张和高强度又会使你在近期达到高潮又会跌落低谷。想小泉当初考托福的时候,也是患得患失,信誓旦旦一副不做完所有旮旯头里可以找到的题目不罢休的样子。在此高“压”政策下,考前两周患上了厌考综合症,天天只想着那儿人多那儿热闹凑那儿去玩,什么题目也不想去做。可这样成何体统,逼着自己去读,却又注定无所成效。万幸的是考前两天又缓过神来,终于没白忙了整整两个月!所以按小泉的看法,松弛有度是十分有道的。Take it easy! 千万别为了个考试把自己弄的面目呆滞!轻轻松松参加考试,好的心情才会有好的感觉!

  非全真题不做是小泉的另一条经验之谈。有的考友喜欢把最新的全真试题放到最后一刻,这是对的,最新的考试会给你一点儿灵感,会让你嗅到一点点ETS 的出题动向。如在前后两次考试中,常会有篇内容上相似,角度不同(好比介绍同一个舞蹈家或者印地安部落)的文章。最新的全真题会让你熟悉考试的路数,找到感觉。但留到最后一刻是以时间充裕,准备充分为前提的。切忌在又忙又乱中忙着去做些无足轻重或是年代稍远的全真题,最新的题目一定要仔仔细细认认真真的好好做和分析。做题是一部分,分析重读是另一部分。要留出充裕的空间给你的最新的复习资料,听小泉,没错的!
