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[06:46.28]Beautiful scene,isn't it?
[06:49.96]Yes,it is.
[06:52.86]Can I take your picture?
[06:59.05]Now point to the mountain.
[07:02.84]Great!Just a second.
[07:07.33]Let me stand by the lake.
[07:10.52]It's a good view.
[07:13.63]Nice. Thank you!
[07:18.12]What's your name?
[07:20.81]I'm Wang Lin.And yours please?
[07:24.99]I'm Louis.I'm from Paris.
[07:28.99]Oh,you speak nice English.
[07:32.90]I think you are from England.
[07:35.99]I've been to England several times,but I'm French.
[07:40.98]Is it your first time in Beijing?
[07:44.37]Yes,I came here last September.
[07:48.76]Are you a photographer or a journalist?
[07:52.65]No,I am an exchange student.
[07:57.43]I'm studying Chinese at Beijing Language and Culture University.
[08:03.13]Do you like coming to the summer palace?
[08:06.42]Yes,I visited the park many times.

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