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职场社交英语口语对话 Lesson 40:你看她干的好事

职场社交英语口语对话 Lesson 40:你看她干的好事

SCENE① A  艾文跌跌撞撞进了文斯的隔间 


Elvin:  Vince! Look at what she did to me!

艾文:         文斯!你看她干的好事!

Vince:         Be quiet, I'm on the phone with Vikam... [talks on the phone] Right, I understand how it is. OK, goodbye.

文斯:         安静点。我在跟“维康”通电话...... (对着电话说)对,我了解情况。好的,再见。

Elvin:  Look! She pulled out my nose ring! Owwww! It hurts!

艾文:         你看!她把我的鼻环扯了下来! 啊!痛死了!

Vince:  Elvin, you're 2) bleeding on my desk. So who pulled out your nose ring?

文斯:         艾文,你的血流到我桌上了。谁拔了你的鼻环啊?

Elvin: Zina! Zina did! She's a total 3) psycho!

艾文:         吉娜!是吉娜!她疯到家了!

Vince:         Ah, Zina. Zina has been very busy today.

文斯:         原来是吉娜。她今天还真是忙啊。
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