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我们讲的英语第266期:A leopard can't change its spots 江山易改本性难移

Rob and Feifei have been to a wedding. Feifei hopes Tim, the groom, might change his bad habits now that he's married but Rob thinks he's like a leopard. What is it about this wild animal that can be compared with Tim's behaviour? Listen to the programme to find out.

Feifei: Hello, I'm Feifei and this is The English We Speak. Joining me is Rob.

Rob: Hello everyone.

Feifei: Did you enjoy Jane and Tim's wedding yesterday?

Rob: Yes, it was good wasn't it — especially the party afterwards — all that dancing and drinking.

Feifei: I did notice! I'm really happy for them but I do hope that Jane will help Tim change his bad habits — Tim used to be messy, forgetful and always late for everything!

Rob: I don't think he'll change — a leopard doesn't change his spots.

Feifei: A leopard doesn't change its spots? I think I know that Rob, but what has a leopard got to do with Tim?

Rob: Quite a lot Feifei. The phrase — a leopard doesn't change its spots OR a leopard can't change its spots — means he won't change. He will always be the same person and his bad habits are here to stay.

Feifei: Oh I see. So his bad habits will never change — they will always stay the same. So Rob, you are comparing a leopard, who can never change its spotty appearance, with someone who will never change the way they behave?

Rob: You've got it. Let's hear some examples of how people use the phrase...


I told Karen she had to study more if she wants to pass her exams but a leopard can't change its spots — she won't do it.

Freddie promised he wouldn't get into trouble at school but I don't believe him — a leopard can't change its spots.

Feifei: A leopard can't change its spots — and someone can't change their habits. So Rob, you don't think Jane will be able to change Tim?

Rob: No — he's stubborn — maybe he's going to have to change Jane — she is very neat and tidy and always turns up on time — maybe he could teach her to relax more — chill out.

Feifei: Hmmm — I don't know if she would change either. Rob, could we say a tiger never changes its stripes?

Rob: Ha ha — yes we could say that — and it would mean the same thing — in that she won't change. Oh dear, I'm not sure if their marriage is going to last!

Feifei: No... or maybe it will. You know what they say? Opposites attract!

Rob: Yes they do Feifei, you're right. Ok, bye for now.

Feifei: Goodbye.
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