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dress code: a set of rules about what you should wear in a particular place or at a particular event 着装规范

down-to-earth: (approving) sensible and practical, in a way that is helpful and friendly务实的,切合实际的

She was friendly and down-to-earth and quickly put me at my ease. 她友好而实在,很快便使我感到无拘无束了。

Portray: to describe or show sb/sth in a particular way, especially when this does not give a complete or accurate impression of what they are like 给人以某种印象,表现

Throughout the trial, he portrayed himself as the victim. 在审讯过程中,他始终把自己说成是一个受害者。

Land: to succeed in getting a job, contract etc that was difficult to get 成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)

He was lucky to land a good job. 他很幸运,找到一份好工作。

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