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英语口语会话速成 Unit 46
Where do you want to eat?  你要去哪里吃?

I don't care.  我无所谓。

Do you want Japanese food, Chinese food?  你要吃日本菜还是中国菜?

I really don't care. Whatever you want is fine with me.  我真的无所谓。你想去哪里吃,我都行。

All right, then we'll just eat here. I've got some hot dogs in the fridge.

Ok, that's fine with me  好的,我没问题。

Dialog 2

Do you like the blue one or the red one better?  你觉得蓝色和红色哪个更好。

Either one.  两个都好。

Well, which one would you pick?  好的,你会选哪个?

I don't know. I like them both.  我不知道,它们我都喜欢。

Are you sure you don't know?  你确定你不知道?

I am positive, either one is fine. 我确定,两个都好。
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