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生活英语口语:Further Study 继续教育
Claire: are you lookoing for a course?
Jake: yes, but I'm not sure which one to sign up for.
C: what kind of program are you looking for? Full-time or part-time?
J: I have to work during the day, so I want to find a part-time course that I can do in the evenings.
C: what kind of course are you looking for?
J: I need to improve my English.
C: do you want a one-to-one private tutor or a group class?
J: I think a one-to-one course will be too expensive for me, so a group class would be fine.
C: have you ever considered taking one of our online courses?
J: I think I prefer face-to-face intruction better.
C: that's fine. If you want, you can sign up for a pre-sessional interview.
J: what's that for?
C: one of our qualified teachers will interview you so that they can find a class that suits you best.
J: do you have a brochure about the course that I can take home to read?
C: sure. Here's a brochure about out English classes that meet in the evenings.
J: thanks. I'll read through it tonight and get back to you tomorrow to sign up for a course.

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