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F: Don't you feel a little strange taking the place of your old boss after he was demoted?

M: Yes, at first I felt very awkward. After Bill was demoted and then resigned, it was kind of like somebody died! I mean the atmosphere in the office
was like a funeral parlor or something. And then I was afraid people would look at me as a traitor for filling in his spot when the management asked
me to...

F: Did they mutiny?

M: Thankful, no. I guess everyone understands the opportunity I had to step into a leadership role is so great for my career. I'm really moving up the
ladder now that I'm considered a supervisor. Aafter a couple weeks, it was like nothing happened.

M:it is a really good chance for you to get more exposure at work. supervisors get to take the credit for all the hard work of the people under them.

M: Yeah, and they also take the blame, that's what happened to my old boss...

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