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英语日常口语999句(201-450) B8

[00:03.00] [00:03.10]I went there three days ago. 我三天前去过那儿。 [00:11.05]It's a friendly competition. 这是一场友谊赛。 [00:18.50]It's very thoughtful of you. 你想得真周到。 [00:25.45]May I speak to Lora,please? 我能和劳拉说话吗? [00:32.83]Mr.Wang is fixing his bike. 王先生在修他的自行车。 [00:41.22]My brother is see king a job. 我弟弟正在找工作。 [00:48.74]Nancy will retire next year. 南希明年就退休了。 [00:56.66]Neither you nor he is wrong. 你没错,他也没错。 [01:04.11]Opportunity knocks but once. 机不可失,时不再来。 [01:12.10]She dressed herself hastily. 她匆忙穿上衣服。 [01:19.77]She hired a car by the hour. 她租了一辆按钟点计费的汽车。 [01:28.05]Someone is ringing the bell. 有人在按门铃。 [01:35.07]The Smiths are my neighbors. 史密斯一家是我的邻居。 [01:42.96]These shoes don't fit right. 这双鞋不太合适。 [01:50.30]This is only the first half. 这才是上半场呢。 [01:57.79]This pen doesn't write well. 这钢笔不好写。 [02:04.92]Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗? [02:11.76]You really look sharp today. 你今天真漂亮。 [02:18.81]Another cat came to my house. 又有一只猫来到我家了。 [02:26.44]Check your answers with mine. 把你的答案跟我的核对一下。 [02:34.58]Don't keep the truth from me. 别瞒着我事实真相。 [02:42.25]Everything has its beginning. 凡事都有开端。 [02:49.34]He came to the point at once. 他一下子就说到了点子上。 [02:57.51]He fell behind with his work. 他工作落后了。