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李阳疯狂英语口语 Lesson8
8. Can you...? 你能……吗?
◆ 最常用的三个句子
Top 1: Can you wait a minute?
Top 2: Can you help me?
Top 3: Can you call me back later?
◆ 疯狂操练
Can you lend me your car?
Can you give me some money?
Can you share your house with me?
◆ 疯狂实战
A: Can you do me a favor?
B: Sure. What is it? Just ask.
A: 能帮我一下吗?
B: 当然,什么事?尽管说吧。
Kim’s Note:
If you are a generous and helpful person, this will be your first response. If you are a more cautious type, you may want to say “That depends.” The following sentences are good examples of why a cautious response is sometimes a better idea!
如果你是一个慷慨大方,乐于助人的人,这将是你的第一反应,反之,如果你做事比较谨慎,你可能会说“That depends.(这得看情况而定。)”有时候,谨慎一点的回答会好一点,以下这几个句子将告诉你这个道理。