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Unit 3. Part 4. Complaining and complementing.

Dialogue 1.

W: Well done. You gave that presentation very well.

M: I am glad that you approve.

W: As a matter of fact I don’t think I have ever seen a presentation given better that that.

M: Thank you for saying so.

Dialogue 2.

W: The fish is superb.

M: I love the chicken soup.

W: Who says a career woman can’t be a good cook. I don’t know anyone who cooks better. I must take my hat off to you. LinLi.

W2: It’s very nice of you to say to. I am glad you enjoyed the food.

Dialogue 3.

W: You are not looking very cheerful. What’s the matter with you?

M: Oh, nothing special. I am just a bit fed up.

W: With your job?

M: With everything. With catching the same bus every morning, sitting in the same office all day and watching the same television programs.

W: You need a holiday.

M: It wasn’t always like this, you know.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, people at all times had more fun, didn’t they? I mean they hunted for their food, grew their vegetables, and did things for themselves. We did the same sort of jobs for years and years. There is no variety in our lives.

W: You need a holiday. That’s what’s the matter with you.

Dialogue 4.

W: What happened? You look like an empty balloon.

M: Well, this is really not my day. My driving license was taking away by the traffic police.

W: What have you done?

M: I forgot to fasten my seat belt.

W: How careless you are. But that will not cost you a driving license, I think.

M: You are right. There is something else. I didn’t notice when the policeman waved for me to pull over. And he chased me for almost a mile before I realized what happened.

W: Man. I guess he was very angry by then.

M: Sure he was.
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