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迷你对话学口语 第24课 爱 - 6


第24课:爱 - 6


A: Well, look at that! Mr. Smith can’t take his eyes of Miss Jones!
B: I think it’s just a case of friendship and esteem!
A: You are wrong; he is obviously infatuated with her; you can see the passion in his eyes!
B: Nonsense, this is a home for the aged; that gentleman is 92 years old!

A: 快看!Smith先生不停地盯着Jones小姐看!
B: 我想这只是出于友情和尊重吧!
A: 才不是呢。你从他眼神中的激情就能看出他真的是对她着迷了!
B: 别胡说了,这是养老院,那位绅士已经92岁了!
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