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迷你对话学口语 第22课 诚实正直的 - 3


第22课:诚实正直的 - 3


A: I think maybe Dick learned that he should not be so candid and frank.
B: But I’ve always heard “Honesty is always the best policy.”
A: But “white lies” are necessary sometimes. Dick was straightforward and sincere in telling Mary she was too fat; she left him!
B: Yes, I see your point.

A: 我想Dick也许已经认识到他不应该那么说话口无遮拦的。
B: 但是我常听人说“诚实终归没错”。
A: 但是“善意的谎言”有时候也是必要的。Dick直截了当的对Mary说她太胖,结果她就跟他分手了。
B: 哦,我明白你的意思了。
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