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迷你对话学口语 第22课 诚实正直的 - 1


第22课:诚实正直的 - 1


A: He is an honest, sincere man ever one respects; yesterday he proved he is an upright gentleman.
B: I know him to be a genuine, trustworthy colleague too, but what did he do yesterday?
A: The manager was berating Miss Jones for accounting errors that cost the company thousands. He came forward and openly took the blame. The manager was so pleased by his honorable behavior he gave him a raise.
B: He is a genuine fellow!

A: 他是个诚实真挚的人,大家都尊重他。昨天,他的表现证明了他是个诚实正派的绅士。
B: 我也知道他为人真诚,是个值得信任的同事,可是昨天他到底做什么了?
A: 经理在责骂Jones小姐的账目差错令公司损失了几千元。这是他站出来,公开地承担了责任。经理很满意他这种诚实可敬的行为,还给他加了薪。
B: 他的确是个真诚的伙伴!
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