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减肥运动相关口语表达 第133期:在家里燃烧脂肪

Unit 133 Burn around the houseUnit 133 在家里燃烧脂肪Household chores do a good job of burning off calories.Among them:做家务事对于燃烧卡路里很有帮助。家务事包括:EXERCISE CAL/HR家务事运动 每小时燃烧的卡路里Shoveling snow 710铲雪 710Chopping wood 525砍柴 525Weeding the garden 450花园中除草 450Mowing the lawn 310修剪草坪 310Scrubbing floors 295洗刷地板 295Washing windows 295洗窗户 295Washing the car 270洗车 270Painting the house 245油漆房子 245