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减肥运动相关口语表达 第103期:速度加快

Unit 103:Put on the speed第103单元:速度加快The faster you walk,the faster you burn calories.你走得愈快,卡路里的燃烧速度也愈快。If you're already a walker,add some action with speedwalking.如果你已养成走路的习惯。那你不妨试着快走并加此动作。In the middle of your regular walk,walk as fast as you can for a minute or so.在你经常的步行当中,试着以最快的速度走个一两分钟。When you get comfortable with that,add another minute or two.等你慢慢适应后,再额外地增加一两分钟。Bend your elbows and pump your arms to add momentum.Be sure not to strain yourself.借着弯弯手肘和摆动手臂来增加动力。但别伤到自已。You'll know you are if your legs turn into knots.If that happens,slow down!双腿一旦僵硬的话,自己一定会知道的。如果有这种感觉的话,立刻速度放慢!In the long run,try to cover a mile as fast as you can.最后,试着以最快的速度走完一英里。Making a mile in 15 minutes is great,and twice that is an ideal workout.在十分分钟内走一英里是很不错的,若能走上两英里的话便是非常理想的健身。Remember,when you're speedwalking,do a slower walk for 10 or 15 minutes as a warm-up and again afterward as a cool-down.记住,快走前先慢慢走个十到十五分钟作为暖身,快走完再慢慢走个十到十五分钟让自己慢慢平静下来。