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英语口语畅谈世界文化之澳大利亚07:Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁


之澳大利亚07:Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁

D: David    y:Vicki
D:戴卫    v:薇琪

D: Vicki, hello! Long time no see. Where have you been?

V: I spent the last six months in Australia. It was so great, I had a wonderful time. The best bit was snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef. The sea life there is out of this world.

D: The Great Barrier Reef is the only living organic collective visible from Earth's orbit.  It's one of the wonders of the natural world.

V: And it's the world's largest coral reef ecosystem. There are loads of beautiful islands scattered around and idyllic coral cays.

D: It's pretty big. Isn't it? I think it covers more than 300, 000 square kilometers.

V: Yes, it's huge.  There are more than 3, 000 reefs, which vary in size, the smallest is about I hectare.  But the biggest is massive, over 10, 000 hectares.
V:是的,相当大。它由大大小小约3000多个珊瑚礁组成,最小的大约一公顷大。但最大的却相当大,有10. 000公顷。

D: Wow! Unfortunately because many tourists go there, it's suffering. You know, because of the pollutants.

V: Unfortunately, that's true.  Its protection is the responsibility of the Marine Park Authority, they have developed something called "The Reef Plan". This is a combined effort to protect the reef

D: I believe they are doing a good job with that. How about the coral? Is it really as beautiful as they say?

V:  Oh my god, yes!  Coral consists of individual coral polyps-tiny live creatures which join together to form colonies. Each polyp lives inside a shell of aragonite, a type of calcium carbonate which is the hard shell we recognise as coral.

D: So, these polyps join together to create forests of coloured coral in interesting An. antler, brain and plate shapes.

V: That's right.  The ideal environment for coral is shallow warm water where there is a lot of water movement, plenty of light, where the water is salty and low in nutrients.

D: How many different kinds of coral are there?

V: There are many different types of coral, some arc slow growing and live to be hundreds of yean old, others are faster growing. The colours of coral are created by algae. Only live coral is coloured. Dead coral is white.

D: Have you got any photos?

V: Loads! Come and have- look.

long time no see 好久不见
do a good job 做好事
out of this world 世界一流的
come and have a look 过来看看

大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)是世界上最大、最长的珊瑚礁区,是世界七大自然景观之一,也是澳大利亚最著名的天然景观。又称为“透明清澈的海中野生王国”。 是保存最完好的海洋公园。前往大堡礁海域潜水是不少人的梦想之旅:海水湛蓝、清澈见底,珊瑚丛生、色彩绚丽,鱼群擦身、形态各异……
