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英语口语畅谈世界文化之巴西12:Rio Carnival 里约热内卢狂欢节


之巴西12:Rio Carnival 里约热内卢狂欢节

S1: Student 1      S2 : Student 2
SI:学生l    S2:学生2

S2: I'm doing something amazing. I'm going to the Rio Carnival!

S1: You are so lucky. It's the world's most famous street party.

S2: Yes, millions of people come from everywhere and it goes on for several days.  But the best part is called "The Sambodromo Parade". The Sarnbodromo is a 700-metre long street surrounded by spectator stands and luxury boxes which are filled with over 60, 000 people. Tickets are expensive and sell out quickly.

S1: You had better get your tickets early, then. I heard it's famous for people dancing the samba and goes on all night

S2: Yes. they have lavish floats with women dressed in amazing costumes, and these are accompanied by marching bands. Then, all around is a sea of people who are also dressed in costumes.

S1: They change the themes and costumes every year, don't they?

S2: Yes, so you'll never see the same thing twice. Another interesting part is the "  Masquerade Balls " .

SI: Oh, I've heard of these too.  Lots of famous people attend, so ticket prices are sky high.

S2: Yes, so I don't know if I can go to one. But, the street parades, apart from "Sambodromo" are all free.  Everyone joins in together, with the real dancers and marching bands.

S1: I think that sounds even more interesting. If you go to "The Sambodromo Parade", you can only watch. But,  if you go to a normal street parade, you can be part of it!

S2: I have heard some stories though, that it's pretty dangerous.

S1: I think you must be careful of thieves, yes. But, so many people take part every year and only a few are mugged. I think it's worth taking a little risk co be part of something so amazing.

S2: I guess you're right. There should also be lots of delicious food, because for 40 days after the Carnival the local people don't eat meat. During Carnival time they eat everything!

S1: How many days does it last?

S2: Erm . . .  I think from a Saturday to Wednesday.

S1: Oh, so is Tuesday what we know as Mardi Gras?

S2: Yes, it means "Fat Tuesday" , so that should be a clue about the food!

spectator stands观众台
sell out卖光
lavish floats豪华的彩车
Masquerede Balls化妆舞会
You’ll never see the same thing twice 同样的东西你绝对不会看到第二次
luxury boxes豪华包厢
go on all night特续整个晚上
a sea of people人的海洋
sky high高得吓人
