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英语口语畅谈世界文化之中国18:Spring Festival春节


之中国18:Spring Festival春节

L: Local    V: Visitor
L:当地人    V:来访者

L: Spring Festival is the most important festival to us. Do you know any China about it?

V: Not too much. Just that it's the lunar calendar's New Year. It's different from New Year in the West.

L: Yes, that's right. It's the first day of the lunar month, and it originated in the Shang dynasty at around 160() BC. It is based on the people's sacrifices to their gods and ancestors and the end of a year and the beginning of a new one

V: The Shang dynasty? That's a long time ago. I had no idea it had such a long history. And it's always the first day of the lunar month?

L: Strictly speaking. it starts every year in the early days of the 12山 lunar month and will last to the middle of the l 'r lunar month of the next year. The most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first 3 days.

V: I see that you and your family are all at home. Don't you have to work during Spring Festival?

L: No, we don't need to work. The government has made it a 7 day national holiday. We usually spend the time with family and friends.

V: Do you do anything special on the other days?

L: Yes. On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month we eat some very special food. It's called Laba Congee. We roll balls from the glutinous rice, fill them with berries or beans and boil them in water. Nowadays, you can even buy glutinous rice balls filled with chocolate!

V: Sounds delicious. Are there any other significant days?

L: The 23rd day of the 12m lunar month we call Preliminary Eve. At this time, people offer sacrifices to the kitchen god. But, to be honest, in this day and age. most families cook wonderful food, get together and enjoy themselves.

V: Well, I'm happy to be here for all of the celebrations. Someone told me we will watch an interesting TV show tonight.

L: Yes, CCTV has a special New Year variety show with all of our top stars Singers, dancers, comedians, everything!

V: OK, let's watch it together.

strictly speaking  严格地讲
in this day and age在今天这个时代
a 7 day national holiday国家规定的7天假日
top stars明星大腕

腊八粥:相传释迦牟尼成佛之前曾经苦行多年,饿得骨瘦如袭.决定不再苦行  这时遇见一个牧女,送他乳糜食用,他吃了乳糜,恢复了体力.便端坐在菩提树下入定,于12月8日成道,夏历以12月为腊月,所以1 2月8日称作腊八。佛教寺院在这天举行诵经,并效法佛成道前牧女献乳糜的传说故事,用香谷和果实做粥供佛,名为腊八粥。