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动感英语口语 第5讲


Screen adaptation 改编


 Take your pick 随你挑

例句:We have enough money to buy any DVD player this store has, so take your pick.     ( 因为我们钱很多,所以我们可以挑任意一个DVD。)


“If we ever get in this war and something happens to me. I can’t tell you how good it makes me feel to know that someone as sweet as you will be there to nurse me back to health.”

“Good! But we’re not in the war yet.”

“Okay, that was a bad line.”

“Hi! I’m Red, Red . Strange.”

“Your last name’s Strange?”

“Yeah, she’s all yours, soldier.”

“No, it’s Winkle.”

“Red is such a ladies man!”

“Do you always stutter?”

“No, only when I’m…”

“She’s totally buying it.”



“Why can’t I get something like that?”

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