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常用英语口语听力Topic231:茶艺表演 Tea Ceremony


经典背诵 Recitation
Laura: I watched a show of the Chinese tea ceremony today. It was really interesting. I was told that the Chinese tea ceremony emphasized the tea, rather than the ceremony. A good server could make a pot of tea serve 3 or 4 rounds and up to 5 or 6, and each round tasted the same as the first. Moreover, the tea cups used in a tea ceremony were really small, for it was for tasting tea, which was different from drinking tea.

ceremony n. 仪式

emphasize vt. 强调

server n. 侍者

elegance n. 高雅

poetry n. 诗歌

last but not least 最后但并非最不重要的(一点)

Scene practice 情景练习

1.If you were Jane, a friend of you is going to get married soon. What would you say to him?

2.If you were Daniel, your sister May is going to take part in a speech contest. What would you say to her?

3.If you were Gucci, you met your boyfriend on his birthday. What would you say to him?

4.If you were Shirley, your sister was going to start a fashion shop soon. What would you say to her?

5.If you were Benjamin, your colleague was going to take a trip abroad. What would you say to him?

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