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Dialogue 6

W1: I’m so excited, mother. Oh, a new baby!

W2: My first grandchild.

W1: And my first nephew. He looks a lot like you, mum. He does.

W2: Do you think so? Well, I guess. He does look a lot like me. Oh, he’s got Richard’s eyes though.

W1: Yes, he does have Richard’s eyes. The baby even looks like you than Richard does.

W2: Well, children usually resemble their parents.

W1: It’s true. Michelle is a lot like Henry in so many ways. And she is shy with new people just like he is.

W2: You often like comparing children with their parents.

W1: You’re right.

My father is one of the greatest men in the world. He is as strong as an ox. He can climb the highest mountains; he can swim the widest rivers. He is as brave as a bull, too. He can ride the wildest horses and catch the most dangerous criminals. He is the best story teller in town. He knows everything. My father is as busy as a bee at work. His boss says nobody works harder than my father. At home, my father is as quiet as a mouse. My mother says my father is as stubborn as a mill. Sometimes she says he is as sloppy as a pig, too. I don’t understand what she means by that. He takes out the trash every time she tells him to.

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