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昂秀英语口语王 cd2 - Track 17


Section 9:Giving reason 解释原因

- Hi,Atem,I'm glad I caught you, I got some bad news, I'm afraid I can't make

it tonight. 嗨,Atem ,还好碰到你,我有个坏消息,今天晚上我恐怕没办法赴约了。

- Oh, you're kidding, What's up? 嗷,不会吧,为什么呢?

- The affair is, my wife's birthday is today. 事情是这样的,今天是我太太的生日。

- The affair is,it's my wife's birthday today. 事情是这样的,今天是我太太的生日。

- Right!这样啊!

- You see,she's hoping to go to dinner. 你知道,她希望我能陪她去吃晚餐。

- I see. 我知道了。

- It's sort of complicated. buy I'm not choice. She'll be mad if I make up the

plans. 有一点复杂了,但是我别无选择,如果我没安排,她会疯掉。

详细解说 :

1. I can't make it tonight. 今天晚上我恐怕没办法赴约。


Harry up , and we'll not be able to make it. 快点,不然我们会赶不急的。

I'm sure you make it. 我相信你做得到的。

2. What's up? 为什么呢?

3. The affair is,it's my wife's birthday today. 事情是这样的,今天是我太太的生日。


You see, it's my wife's birthday today.

4. You see, she's hoping to go to dinner. 你知道,她希望我能陪她去吃晚餐。


You see, I was hoping like leave early today. 我今天原本想早点走的。

5. It's sort of complicated. 有一点复杂 .


It's a kind of complicated. 有一点复杂。

It's a long story. 说来话长。

It's a bit difficult to explain. 很难解释。