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  Cambridge 14 (下列词汇顺序为:题目词汇=原文词汇;括号内为题号)

  TEST 1

  1. develop (vt.) = take first steps 形成、建立、培养 (1)

  2. populations (n.) = people (n.) 全部居民,人 (2)

  3. limited (adj.) = curtail (v.) 有限的;限制 (4)

  4. fear (n.) = perceptions of risk = wish to protect…from… 害怕 (4 &5)

  5. increased (adj.) = greater (adj.) 增加的;更强的 (6)

  6. difficult (adj.) = lack (adj.) 困难的;缺乏 (7)

  7. support (v.) = base (something) on (something) 支持;把什么建立在什么基础之上(7)

  8. the rest of the child’s life = the child’s later life 孩子之后的生活(8)

  9. do well at school =academic performance在学校表现出色;学术表现/成绩(9)

  10. self-control (n.) = self-regulate (v.) 自制力;自我调节(9)

  11. be likely to = predictor (n.) 很有可能;预示物(9)

  12. information (n.) = indicator (n.) 信息;迹象(10)

  13. medical problems = well-being/disorders/autism 健康问题;健康;疾病;自闭症(10)

  14. thinking up ideas = wrote longer and better structured stories 想出思路;写出更长、结构更好的故事 (12)

  15. nowadays (n.) = recent decades 现在;近几十年 (13)

  16. less significant = trivial (adj.) 不那么重要的;琐碎的,微不足道的(13)

  17. misuse (v.) = vandalism and theft 滥用;破坏行为与偷盗 (14)

  18. turned down = rejected 被拒绝、被驳回 (15)

  19. withdrew support = lost interest 收回资助;失去兴趣 (19)

  20. attitudes (n.) = environmentally conscious 态度;注意环保的 (20)

  21. damage to the environment = air pollution 对环境的破坏;空气污染 (24)

  22. hand out = distribute(v.) 分发(25)

  23. condemn (v.) = describing the dangers 宣告…不安全;描述它的危险(25)

  24. take away = remove (v.) 带走(26)

  25. remain (v.) = retention (n.) 留下;保留(27)

  26. staff (n.) = employee (n.) 员工 (28)

  27. shouldn’t move to a different employer = more obliged to stay with the company 不应该换东家;更愿意留在现在的公司(28)

  28. little is done = undeveloped (adj. ) 无所作为的;未开发的(29)

  29. help workers improve = draw out the full potential of people 帮助员工提升;开发出员工的所有潜质(29)

  30. cooperation (n.) = work together 合作(30)

  31. pay (n.) = compensation (n.) 薪资;补偿 (31)

  32. improved (v.) = had a favourable impact on 改善;有利作用 (37)

  33. led to = had a favourable impact in 造成……影响;有利作用(38)

  34. lower (adj.) = reducing (adj.) 更低的;减少的(38)

  35. fit with = aligned with 与……相符合,相一致(39)

  36. work standards = levels of performance 工作标准;职责水平(39)
