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   issue:139. Claim: Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts.
  Reason: Politicians and other government experts are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.
  Argue:The following report appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council.
  "An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. Since colds represent the most frequently given reason for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid—a nutritional supplement derived from fish oil—as a good way to prevent colds and lower absenteeism."
  China出口什么walls,国内的比较thin怎么怎么的,出口的thicker有利于safety for shipping,所以出口的quality比较好,问犯了什么逻辑错误。不是很明白,这种问法最不擅长了。。。
  1. 一个实验产生的结果要么是X要么是Y,然后如果这一次结果是X那么下一次是X的概率是0.3,如果这一次结果是Y那么下一次是Y的概率是0.4,问如果5th实验的结果是X,7th实验的结果是X的概率
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