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1. Room 308 should be read _____.

A. room three o eight                         B. three zero eight room     

C. room three zero eight                   D. three hundred and eight room

2. The big bed that he bought yesterday took up ________of the room.

A. three-fourth                                     B. three quarters

C. third-fourth                                      D. third fourth

3. —What can I do for you?

—I’d like to take _____these tomatoes.

A. two dozen of                                   B. two dozen 

C. two dozens                                     D. two dozens of

4. — Have you ever gone water skiing before?

—Oh, yes________.

A. a dozen of time                              B. dozens of times

C. dozens of time                               D. dozen of times

5. This coat costs about________ of that one.

A. twice price                                     B. the three times price

C. four times the price                      D. the price five times

6. After the new technique was introduced the factory produced ________ cars in 1994 as the year before.

A. as twice many                                B. as many twice

C. twice as many                                D. twice as

7. It was Friday, and as usual we were asked to write a ________ composition.

A. two-hundreds-words                    B. two-hundreds-word

C. two-hundred-word                        D. two-hundred-words

8.The character of the novel is an artist in her ________.

A. thirtieth            B. thirty                  C. thirty’s               D. thirties

9.In the power plant more than________ of the workers are out ________strike.

A. seven-twelfths; on                        B. seven-twelveth; in

C. seven-twelfth; on                          D. seven-twelfthes; in

10. —Where is your office?

—My office is________

A. in the fifth floor                              B. on the fifth floor

C. on the five storeys                        D. at the fifth floor  



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