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一、I wish后的宾语从句

动词wish后接宾语从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气。若要表示与现在事实相反的愿望,从句谓语用一般过去时或过去进行时;若表示与过去相反的愿望,从句谓语用过去完成时或would / could+have +过去分词;若表示将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望,用would (could)+动词原形。如:

I wish I could be of some use. 我希望我能有什么用处。

We wish he didn’t smoke. 我们希望他不吸烟。

I wish prices would come down. 我希望物价能降下来。

I wish the train would come. 我希望火车会来。




I insisted that he (should) stay. 我坚持要他留下。

He insisted that I (should) go with them. 他坚持要我同他们一起去。

Rose insisted that he be present. 罗斯坚持要他出席。

The detective insisted that he should have a look. 警探坚持要查看。


He insisted that I had read his letter. 他坚持说我看过他的信。

He insisted that I should read his letter. 他坚持要我看他的信。



主要是指order, command的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:

He ordered that it (should) be sent back. 他命令把它送回去。

Thejudge ordered that the prisoner should be remanded. 法官命令被告还押。

The King ordered that the man be released. 国王命令释放那人。

He commanded that we (should) attack at once. 他命令我们立即发起进攻。



主要是指advise, suggest, propose, recommend等的宾语从句,从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成,其中的should在美国英语中通常可以省略。如:

He suggested that we should leave early. 他建议我们早点动身。

The doctor advised that he change his job. 医生劝他换工作。

They recommend that this tax be abolished. 他们建议取消这种税。

I suggest that we (should) have lunch right now. 我建议我们现在就吃午饭。

The committee proposed (that) Mr. Day be elected. 委员会建议推选戴先生。

The doctor advised [suggested] that he (should) not smoke. 医生建议他不要抽烟。

I propose that the matter be put to the vote at once. 我提议对此问题立刻进行表决。

He proposed that Mr. O’Leary be the chairman. 他提议奥列利先生担任主席。

She suggested that I (should) be responsible for the arrangements. 她建议我来负责进行安排。


He suggested that we (should) stay for dinner. 他建议我们留下吃饭。

What he said suggested that he was a cheat. 他说的话表明他是个骗子。

I suggested that you had a secret understanding with him. 我觉得你与他心照不宣。


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