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1. “着火,起火(burning;on fire) ”,作表语。例如:

The house was ablaze in a few minutes. 房子几分钟就烧起来了。

The whole building was soon ablaze. 整座建筑物很快就烧起來了。


We set the logs ablaze. 我们把这些木头点着了。

2. “明亮;灿烂(very bright;glittering) ”,作表语。例如:

The palace was ablaze with lights. 那座宮殿灯火辉煌。

3. “非常激動(very excited) ”解时,作表语。。例如:

His face was ablaze with anger. 他滿面怒容。


1. be ablaze 燃烧。例如:

The living room was ablaze. The fire centered on a broken jar on the floor. 起居室着了火,地上有个破罐子,火焰在它的周围熊熊燃烧。

2. set sth ablaze 点燃。例如:

A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot. 要使木材堆放处或石油储存库燃烧,一根火柴就够了。

3. 可以说quickly [soon, well] ablaze,不能说very ablaze。例如:

The wooden house was quickly [soon] ablaze. 这所木屋很快就烧起来了。

By the time firefighters were called the house was well ablaze.等给消防队大电话时,这座房子已烧得差不多了。

4. ablaze with [lights, light, sunlight, the stars, butterflies, gems, jewels, medals won in action, diamonds, yellow ribbons, yellow autumn foliage, roses, the colors, tulips, wildflowers, flowers in bloom, autumn colors等]。例如:

He had never seen the house like this, ablaze with light and noisy with voices. 他从未见过这栋房子像现在这样灯火辉煌,人声鼎沸。

ablaze with anger [enthusiasm, excitement, joy等]  非常生气[热情,激动,高兴等]。例如:

Slim stood up, his eyes ablaze with joy. Slim站起来,眼睛里充满喜悦的光芒。