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1. Many _____ scientist wants to be _____ second Newton.

A. a; the            B. a; a          C. 不填;a D. 不填;the

2. As is known to all, _____ tiger is in _____ danger of dying out.

 A. the; 不填    B. a; 不填   C. the; the   D. a; a

3. Teaching _____ child to cook will improve many of the skills that he or she will need later in _____ life.

A. 不填;the     B. a;不填            C. a; the             D. the; a

4. As _____ rule, apples are sold by _____ weight and eggs by _____ dozen.

A. a; 不填; the B. a; the; the      C. a; a; the  D. the;不填;不填

5. The building of that school was completed in _____ August of 2002, not in _____ September, 2003.

A. 不填; the      B. the; the          C.不填;不填       D. the; 不填

6. Peter won’t drive us to the station. He has _____ to drive us all.

A. a very small car  B. too small a car

C. a too small car   D. such a small car

7. —We spent all our money because we stayed at _____ most expensive hotel in town.

—Why didn’t you stay at _____ cheaper one?

A. the; the          B. the; a             C. a; a          D. a; the

8. It’s quite obvious that the aging population in China will cause _____ heavy pressure on _____ whole society in the future.

A. a; a                 B. the; 不填       C. a; the             D. 不填; the

9. About 25% of _____European can speak _____ foreign language besides their native languages.

A. the; a            B. an; the           C. the; the   D. 不填;不填

10. What _____wonderful time we had at _____Browns’ then!

A. a; 不填         B. a; the             C. 不填;the    D. the; the

11. You made the same mistake for _____second time, dropping _____ “n” in the word “government”.

A. a; the            B. a; a          C. the; an           D. a; an

12.—Judging from _____number of the cars, there are not many people in the club.

      —I think so. People would rather stay at home in such _____bad weather.

 A. the; 不填    B. a; 不填   C. the; a             D. a; a

14. Which city in England do you think may be called _____Shanghai of _____West?

A. a; the            B. the;不填  C. the; the   D. 不填; the

15.—I hear the workers in this factory get paid by _____ week.

       —Correct, and most of them get about 300 yuan _____week.

    A. 不填;a       B. the;不填      C. a; the             D. the; a

16. Her dress was spotlessly clean and well made, but it was _____kind of _____dress which the daughter of a poor man might have worn.

 A. the; a          B. a; a          C. the; 不填      D. 不填;不填


1. B。many a (许多)是固定词组;序数词前加不定冠词,表示“又一”;另外,在专有名词前加不定冠词,表示“类似…的人、某人的作品、(说话人不认识的)有一位叫…的人”。如He is a Shakespeare of China.(他简直是中国的莎士比亚。) I bought a complete Lu Xun.(我买了套鲁迅全集。) A Mr Green wants to see you. (有一位格林先生想见你。)

2. A。表示某个类属的整体即所有成员时用the,不用a / an;in danger (of) (在危险中)是固定词组。

3. B。第一空是泛指,用a;in life (一生中)是固定词组。

4. A。as a rule(通常地)是固定词组;在度量名词前,表示付工资、卖、租等方式时,用the,又如paid by the hour / day / month / piece, sold by the yard / dozen / ton,比较by weight(按重量)。

5. D。月份前面一般不用冠词,但有of短语修饰时,一定要加the。

6. B。根据句型too…to do,排除A和D;a / an一般位于形容词前,但有too / as / so / how时,a / an要置于形容词与名词之间。

7. B。第一空是最高级前用the;第二空是泛指用a。

8. D。第一空是泛指用a, a heavy pressure意为“一种很大的压力”;当whole修饰单数名词表示“全(部的), 整个的”时,前面用one’s或the,又如the whole evening / truth整个晚上 / 全部真相。

9. A。the与某些表示国籍的形容词连用表示全体,又如the British / English / French / Japanese / Chinese英国人 / 法国人 / 日本人 / 中国人。句意为:大约25%的欧洲人除母语外还会讲一门外语。

10. B。time作“一段时间”解时,前面可加a,have a wonderful / good / nice time“玩得愉快”。又如Learning English takes quite a long time.(学会英语要花很长一段时间);at the Browns’意为“在布朗夫妇家”,“the+所有格”表示在某人家或某商铺,又如at the Watson’s / tailor’s / doctor’s在沃特森家 / 裁缝店 / 医务室。

11. D。第一空是序数词前用a表示“又一”;辅音字母n, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x和元音字母a, e, i, o的读音,均以元音开头,所以第二空填an。

12. A。the number of “…的数量”;weather与fun, news, advice, information等均为不可数名词,无论什么情况,都不可直接与a连用。

13. C。the West (西方、西洋)是固定搭配;指类似于…的人或物时,专有名词前用冠词,而Shanghai又受of the West修饰,所以用the。

14. D。by the week按周付工资;about 300 yuan a week每周大约300元。

15. C。因有定语从句修饰,指穷人的女儿穿的“那种衣”,是特指,用the;(a / this / the) kind of 后的名词前不用冠词。顺便说一句,this kind of dress可说成dresses of this kind,后一表达方式中的名词前不用冠词,但一定要用复数。