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21. — I think I’ll give Bob a ring.

— You _______. You haven’t been in touch with him for ages. (2006江苏卷)

A. will                    B. may                   C. have to             D. should




22. My most famous relative of all, _______ who really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, my great-grandfather. (2006江苏卷)

A. one                   B. the one             C. he                      D. someone



【解析】the one在此指代the relative。

23. — I don’t suppose the police know who did it.

— Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and _______ now. (2006江苏卷)

A. has been questioned                   B. is being questioned

C. is questioning                                D. has questioned



【解析】根据常识,被抓的嫌疑犯应该是“被”审问,故应用被动语态; 再根据句末的now可知,应用现在进行时。

24. This new model of car is so expensive that it is _______ the reach of those with average income. (2006江苏卷)

A. over                  B. within                C. beyond             D. below



【解析】beyond在此表示“超过”“超出(某范围)”,如:The bicycle is beyond repair. 这辆自行车已不能修理了。After 25 years the town centre had changed beyond (all) recognition. 25年过去了,市中心变得认不出来了。

25. — Are you going to have a holiday this year?

— I’d love to. I can’t wait to leave this place _______. (2006江苏卷)

A. off                     B. out                     C. behind              D. over



【解析】leave sb / sth behind 为英语中的固定搭配,它有两个意思是:一是表示“永久离开”,如:She knew that she had left childhood behind. 她知道童年已一去不复返了。二是表示“未能或忘记带某人/某物”,如:Wait don’t leave me behind! 等等——别把我丢下。

26. The committee is discussing the problem right now. it will _______ have been solved by the end of next week. (2006江苏卷)

A. eagerly             B. hopefully          C. immediately     D. gradually



【解析】hopefully在此相当于I hope that…,原句相当于I hope that it will have been…。又如:Hopefully we’ll meet again on Thursday.=I hope we’ll meet again on Thursday. 希望星期四我们能再次见面。

27. Although medical science _______ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning. (2006江苏卷)

A. achieved         B. has achieved   C. will achieve     D. had achieved




28. — It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me.

— Well, you know what they say. _______. (2006江苏卷)

A. There is no smoke without fire     B. Practice makes perfect

C. All roads lead to Rome                 D. No pains, no gains





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