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25. More and more young people are fond ______ playing tennis nowadays. (2006上海卷)

A. on                     B. to                        C. in                       D. of



【解析】be fond of 意为“喜欢”。又如:He is very fond of Chinese food. 他很喜欢吃中国菜。Tell me whether he is fond of you. 告诉我他是否喜欢你。

26. You know he is not going to let us leave early if we ______ get the work done. (2006上海卷)

A. can’t                 B. may not             C. shouldn’t          D. mustn’t




27. Both sides have accused  ______ of breaking the contract.  (2006上海卷)

A. another            B. the other           C. neither              D. each



【解析】the other的意思是“对方”,全句意为“双方都指控对方违反合同”。

28. We ______ our new neighbors yet, so we don’t know their names. (2006上海卷)

A. don’t meet       B. won’t meet       C. haven’t met      D. hadn’t met




29. The parents suggested ______ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. (2006上海卷)

A. sleep                B. to sleep             C. sleeping           D. having slept



【解析】动词 suggest后接另一个动词时,该动词习惯上要用动名词。另外,从句意上看,该动名词并不表示完成,所以不用完成式。

30. These shoes look very good. I wonder ______.  (2006上海卷)

A. how much cost they are               B. how much do they cost

C. how much they cost                     D. how much are they cost



【解析】空格处填的是一个宾语从句,用作动词wonder的宾语。按英语语法,名词性从句(当然包括宾语从句)一律使用陈述句词序,不用疑问句词序,故可排除B和D。至于A,有两个错误,一是how much不宜直接修饰cost,二是句中的用they are也用得不妥。

31. Some experts think that language learning is much ______ for children as their tongues are more flexible. (2006上海卷)

A. easy                 B. easier                C. easily                D. more easily




32. ______ most of the earth’s surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious. (2006上海卷)

A. As                     B. Once                 C. If                        D. Although




33. Doris’ success lies in the fact ______ she is co-operative and eager to learn from others. (2006上海卷)

A. which               B. that                    C. when                D. why



【解析】that在此引导同位语从句,修饰名词the fact。

34. Just in front of our house ______ with a history of 1, 000 years. (2006上海卷)

A. does a tall tree stand                    B. stands a tall tree

C. a tall tree is standing                    D. a tall tree stands



【解析】考查完全倒装。类例:At the front of the book is a table of contents, giving details of what is in the book. 书的前部有目录,详列了书中的内容。





35. David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature ______ he chose the course. (2006上海卷)

A. that                   B. what                  C. why                   D. how

【答案】A(http://www.yynat.com /)。


【解析】考查“it be+被强调成分+that…”这一强调句式,被强调成分为介词短语because of his strong interest in literature。


36. There are hundreds of visitors ______ in front of the Art Gallery to have a look at Van Gogh’s paintings. (2006上海卷)

A. waited              B. to wait               C. waiting              D. wait




37. You can find whatever you need at the shopping centre, ______ is always busy at the weekend. (2006上海卷)

A. that                   B. where                C. what                  D. which



【解析】which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the shopping centre。

38. ______ the employees’ working efficiency, the supervisor will allow them to have a coffee break. (2006上海卷)

A. Improving        B. To improve       C. Having improved       D. Improved




39. In the dream Peter saw himself ______ by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly with a start. (2006上海卷)

A. chased             B. to be chased    C. be chased        D. having been chased



【解析】此处用过去分词表示被动,属于“see sb+过去分词”结构,又如:He hated to see any bird killed. 他不愿看到鸟被打死。I have seen the method applied by many people. 我曾看见这个方法被许多人应用。注意不能选B,因为see后作宾补的不定式不能带to,同时也不能选C,因为当“be+过去分词”用作宾语补足语时,习惯上要省去动词be。

40. China has promised to revise its existing regulations and ______ new policies according to WTO requirements. (2006上海卷)

A. forming            B. to form               C. to be forming   D. have formed



【解析】之所以选不定式,是因为它是与前面的不定式to revise its existing regulations并列,一起用作动词promise的宾语。

41. Put the ______ of your tongue against your upper teeth when you produce the sound. (2006上海卷)

A. tip                      B. top                     C. peak                  D. pole



【解析】the tip of one’s tongue意为“舌尖”。

42. Small cars are ______ of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. (2006上海卷)

A. free                   B. short                  C. typical               D. economical



【解析】根据常识可推知。be economical of的意思是“节约”。

43. Sean’s strong love for his country is ______ in his recently published poems. (2006上海卷)

A. relieved            B. reflected           C. responded       D. recovered



【解析】比较:relieve意为“减轻”“解除”等; reflect意为“反射”“反映”“表现”等; respond意为“回答”“响应”“作出反应”等; recover意为“重新获得”“恢复”等。显然只有B最合句意。

44. The performer was waving his stick in the street and it ______ missed the child standing nearby. (2006上海卷)

A. narrowly          B. nearly                C. hardly               D. closely



【解析】narrowly的意思是“仅仅,勉强地”,如:We won narrowly. 我们仅是险胜。He narrowly escaped drowning. 他差点儿淹死。The ball narrowly shaved his off stump. 那个球紧贴着他的三柱门的外柱掠过。