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Ⅴ. 改写句子 (本大题共13小题, 每小题2分, 共26分)

Rewrite the following sentences as required:

57. Turning the following sentence into a negative imperative:

Someone turn on the light, please.

58. Using subjunctive mood:

She has little knowledge about the painting. But she talked in a way that made people believe the contrary.

59. Using subjunctive mood:

A neighbour acted quickly and thus stopped the fire from spreading to the other floors.

60. Using subjunctive mood:

I wish to own a house of my own.

61. Combine sentences using coordination and / or subordination:

She introduced me to her husband. I had met her husband in Paris.

62. Combine sentences using coordination and / or subordination:

The tests do not measure genuine intellectual ability. Colleges use the tests to screen applicants for admission.

63. Combine the sentences into one that contains a relative clause:

He is a kind man. He is always ready to help others. He never asks for other’s help.

64. Write a counter-factual conditional based on the given facts:

You’re hungry now because you didn’t have breakfast.

65. Using inversion:

The plane roared over and the bombs came down which killed almost all the people in the village.

66. Using extra position:

To see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes breaks my heart.

67. Using whatever cohesive device as appropriate:

A:He promised to come here on time.

B:Yes, I know that he promised to come here on time.

68. Using whatever cohesive device as appropriate:

To guard against losing luggage, buy brightly coloured luggage or wrap bags with a belt so other passengers will not mistake your luggage with their own luggage.

69. Using whatever cohesive device as appropriate:

I inherited those skills from my father. Those skills have been put to the test.

Ⅵ. 名词解释 (本大题共3小题, 每小题2分, 共6分)

Define the following terms with examples:

70. putative should

71. subject complement

72. anaphoric reference


Ⅶ. 简答题 (本大题共2小题, 每小题2分, 共4分)

Answer the following questions with the help of examples:

73. How is aspect related to time?

74. What is given information and what is new information?

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