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重点一  比较级的基本用法(高频考点)


I didn’t buy the second-hand book because the seller wanted ______ money than I had expected. (山东日照中考题)

A. less                   B. least                  C. most                  D. more



重点二  最高级的基本用法(高频考点)

使用最高级的前提是对三者或多者进行比较,而体现三者或多者比较的方式主要有两种:一是使用比较范围(如in our class, of the team, among the crowd等),二是通过句子本身的语境来体现。如:

1. The population problem may be ______ one of the world today. (山东泰安中考题)

A. the most           B. most difficult    C. the greatest      D. more interesting

答案为C。根据句中的比较范围 of the world(在全世界)可知,说话人是把人口问题在世界范围内跟其他的问题进行比较,故应用最高级。

2. Breakfast is ______ meal of the day. It provides us with energy after a long night without food. (山东临沂中考题)

A. important                                              B. more important

C. the most important                              D. very important



重点三  比较等级的修饰语(普通考点)

用于比较级前的常见的修饰语有much, even, still, a lot, a great deal, a bit等,用于最高级前的常见的修饰语有nearly, almost, not quite, second, third等。但是注意,比较级和最高级前不能用more和most修饰。如:

The actress is already 50, but she looks ______ than she really is. (广州中考题)

A. young              B. more young     C. more younger  D. much younger



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