[by:如果您喜欢 恒星英语学习网 www.hxen.com 请与您的朋友分享] [00:00.00]M:I readly don't understand how you can use the pendulum to demonstrate the rotation of the earth. [00:05.56]In fact,your lecture went right over my head. [00:09.56]M:I really didn't understand how you can use the pendulum to demonstrate the rotation of the earth. [00:14.97]In fact,your lecture went right over my head. [00:18.49]W:I'd be happy to run through it again. [00:20.92]There are two basic principles that you have to keep in mind. [00:24.61]The earth rotates around and axis that goes through the north and south poles. [00:29.62]Since the surface of the earth is curved,the ground we're standing on right now in the northern hemisphere travels through space in a counter clockwise arc,not a straight line,as the earth turns. [00:40.65]M:I'm just not aware of the movement,because it's relatively slight. [00:44.96]W:Besically,now the other important concept,if you take a piece of string and attach a weight to the bottom, [00:53.08]the weight will also swing in a counter_clockwise direction once you set it in motion. [00:58.96]Now if you make a pendulum long enough and hang it in a tall building,it will swing very slowly. [01:05.59]The weight at the bottom will appear to slowly change its path as it swings back and forth. [01:12.65]Actually the pendulum is moving in a straight line,and it is the earth that is slowly rotating under it.Does that make sense? [01:20.77]M:Well,maybe I need to think about it a little more.Thanks anyway.